Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm in love with Warren Buffett!

This mega-money man fascinates me. Love it that he took the time to sit down and chat with these girl scouts, even if he probably does have stock in Dairy Queen.
Warren's number ONE advice for young people: AVOID CREDIT CARDS!!

(Thanks for this video go to http://www.flierguy.com/, a blog I stumbled upon.)
   Now, Warren Buffett is actually endearingly frugal...still!! Want to know more about him? Check out his autobiography: The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life. Loved that book!
Grandgirl Visit -- Repurposing Time!
   Grandgirl2 will be here soon...get to hang out with her every day this week, and Grandgirl1 will join us on Thursday and Friday. Yesterday #2 repurposed a cardboard box that once held a manicure set into her personal treasure box by coloring it and gluing pictures she'd colored onto it. Young ones are great fun and so easy to please with little creative repurposing projects.
     Did you have a treasure box when you were little? Care to share any repurposing you're involved in lately?


  1. I do have a sort of treasure box now! :-)

  2. Love the treasure box...I'm sure over my lifetime I've had several...~~HUG~~

  3. Hello Dmarie, thankyou for visiting and leaving me a comment. i wanted to come over and "meet you" properly. What an interesting Blog you have here, I have enjoyed browsing. I am a reluctant cook, but I shall make your peanut butter cookies, as I just love it.

    Today I have sorted a large box full of ribbons, stickers, sequins, ribbons and card for my neighbours grand daughters. They love to make things and I like to encourage the young folk to get creative.
    When I was young, my treasure box was a cigar box and i still have it!

  4. I love Warren Buffett - very smart man. I love treasure boxes too. My kids each have one and they are full of all kinds of goodies.

  5. we made shoe box caravans for sindy doll now at play school the girls make hamster homes and the boys make garages

  6. @single, love that!!
    @Blessings...several? you're rich!
    @Kath, I have a cigar box that I've had for years. Don't even know what's in it now, but I'll keep it anyway out of nostalgia! ;)
    @Mel, hope they take pictures of their contents through the years...to see how their tastes change.
    @cathy, just love the idea of shoe box caravans. THANKS!


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