Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rethinking bedroom decor with an eye to allergens

Recently went through allergy testing...yup, lots of pricks containing foreign bodies on my back followed by a few little injections in my arms of the bad boys that the pricks indicated. Turns out I'm highly allergic to a thing or two.
   The literature on how to keep allergens out of our home placed particular emphasis on the bedroom. Not keen on taking meds, I am highly motivated to make a few changes around here. (Having a very hard time with the "shoes off at the door" suggestion though. Can't seem to make myself do it!!)
   But I am doing most everything else on the suggestion list. My great aunt's hanky that I used under my little watermelon boy sculpture (wedding gift from Hubby) will go into storage. I couldn't possibly dust it, and I'm darned well NOT going to wash this delicate little thing in HOT water every week.
   I already changed the sheets every week, but now every two weeks the blankets/bedspreads/coverlets have to be washed in hot. No more handmade quilts for the master bedroom--they'd never hold up to that much washing! *SIGH*
   That's my dust mop by the wall...even Fly Girl doesn't recommend as much dusting as I'll be doing around here! My pesky *cough*cough*cough* is gone though, so I guess the meds are working. Presumably the bedroom haven business is helping too.
   On another note, just came by a good article about stockpiling that I thought I'd share: "Pile It On: Why Stockpiling Makes Sense" by Jill Cataldo.
   What I'm stockpiling lately: scent-free HE laundry detergent from the big box store. It's a "seasonal" offering, so I'll be stocking enough for the year! Any stockpiling going on over at your place? Finding any good seasonal sales??


  1. Sorry to hear about your allergies; that's just rotten! I have been stockpiling anything that goes on sale for a reasonable price. I am waiting for butter and sugar to go on sale for Easter baking, so that I can stock up. I usually buy the sugar I am going to use during canning season on the Easter sales, and I freeze the butter to get me by until the next sale.

  2. Oh, the allergy thing is too bad. Books leaving the bedroom was the problem for me. I am supposed to follow the same regimen as you, but don't all the time! Like Tightwad Mom,I am waiting for Easter baking/cooking items to go on sale. I usually buy enough to last until the holiday sales starting around Thanksgiving. The last two weeks I have bought a bottle of vanilla extract. I probably should have waited for coupons go with the sales. But, I will catch those, too.

  3. Thanks, you guys...for the sympathy but also for the head's up on what I should be looking for at the store!!

  4. You are not alone. thanks so much for this very relevant post. I hope you find relief fast.
    I usually stockpile paper towels when they go on sale!

  5. Great ideas for helping out allergies. I am really allergic to a lot of things too, going to take some of these tips to heart.

  6. Being an allergy sufferer for years, I found once we tore all the carpet out of house and put down laminate floors helped alot..not saying you should start tearing things apart..another IS bedding...and Yes, all parts of the bedding...dander be it human or pets is the most likely cause...sigh..Another thing that helped me was chiropractic care...YES, they can help allergies...and it beats having shots...

  7. I hope that you start to feel better soon. Have you thought about adding an air purifier to your home? They are expensive but you can actually smell the difference. We use it in the kitchen because we don't have good ventilation. We also turn it on in winter when some of us are coming down with cold or flu. Seems to help alot and worth the investment.

    Stockpiling: I bought salt yesterday. That is the one thing that I have completely forgotten about! Once canning season comes along, I'm also buying pickling salt in large quantity.

  8. Sorry about you allergies, we've got too and this year has been horrible. I medicate because I will not spend my life cleaning and dusting, and I only medicate as a last resort.

  9. A lot of work but if you're having results it must be so much better than a nagging cough all the time. All the best!
    I'm with Blessings from a Wildflower in that Chiropractic care will help. It's amazing what they achieve.

  10. @Blessings and Susan, I'm afraid of chiropractors...all that cracking. yikes! yup, call me a many people swear by them but I still can't make myself go!!


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