Thursday, April 7, 2011

On my mind: Fruit vs. megafruit

   Behind the fruit is the sewing machine that Mom recently gave me.
I still haven't sewn anything!
Only when I started buying organic produce did this concept occur to me: there's fruit and then there's MEGA-FRUIT!
   For years, I'd been buying mega-fruits for the hubby, all the while thinking I don't much like fruit. Before I ever finished eating an apple as big as two of my fists, I was sick of it!
   When I switched to buying organics, the apples and oranges seemed to be for lilliputians, as compared to the mega-fruits we'd grown accustomed to... Here's the kicker: now that I'm eating normal sized fruit, I'm still enjoying the taste when I run out of fruit!
   Snacking on huge fruits means we're actually eating 1 1/2 or even 2 servings each time we eat the whole. So when it comes to whole fruits for snacks: smaller fruits mean less $ spent per serving whenever buying by the pound. Gotta love that!

   Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. Anything on your mind? Share your link here or on down-to-earth.


  1. We are paying $10 for bananas now - a result of the floods. I don't think I've seen really big apples but like most food, the smaller pieces are usually tastier.

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.
    I had never considered the size of fruit before but You are right. Only this afternoon I ended throwing an apple core in the school bin and yet there was still plenty of apple on the core - I just could not have taken another bite

  3. I haven't thought about that in so long since I've been eating organic for several years now. But you are 100% correct. Before I switched, I remember throwing aways 1/2 an apple sometimes and feeling guilty about it but I just could never finish one. Or I would save it for later and forget about until it was not good any more. What a waste! I'm so glad those wasteful days are over and thanks for the reminder.

  4. I am concerned with the organic crops with the outcome of radiation from Japan.
    We have organic dairy cattle, they eat only from the farm and are not medicated in anyway. That said a letter came from the government that random checks on the milk will be made as radiation is found in cattle in Washington and eastern states. What about our food? Thanks for the comment on my blog. Marlyn

  5. In addition to the hard-to-finish factor, like Rhonda Jean, I've found that the smaller pieces are usually the most scrumptious.

    Not entirely related: I read Gulliver's Travels for the first time in the latter half of 2010. I am amazed by the number of times I've run across "lilliputian" since! It is strange. I wonder if I just never got the reference before or if I really never saw the word before reading GT.

  6. I know what you mean. I bought an apple the other day and I could have fed 3 people with it! I remember my grandma had an apple tree when I was little and it had tiny apples (compared to today) but they were sweet and crunchy. I know she never put a lick of fertilizer on it...

    This is what's On My Mind

  7. I have always bought smaller apples for several reasons. There is no sense in being overstuffed when I want fruit. And, I will not throw it out. Second, I want an apple ever day without fail. I prefer to be frugal So, it is more economical to buy the smaller apples. If buying larger apples is a better deal, I always cut the apple in half, wrap up one half, and put it in the refrigerator for the next day.

    When my children were young, all three shared one apple. I just cut it in half, cored it, gave the older two (7 and 9) a larger share than the baby (2). Her share grew over the years until finally, I and the three children shared two apples, half for each of us.

    I absolutely hate food and money waste.

  8. I'm with you. Some pieces of supermarket fruit are a ridiculous size. What I get from my farmers' market is just right.

  9. You have made a very good point. It is certainly something to think about

  10. That is a very good thing to know. Our bananas range from huse to very petite. I would rather have the small ones also. Good to know. B

  11. I know exactly what you mean! Even fruits like nectarines that I absolutely love can be difficult to finish if they're too big. Even at my farmers market I have to hunt for smaller sized fruit. If it is so big I'll never get around to eating it because it intimidates me!


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