Friday, April 8, 2011

This moment: Will there be no more trees?

The blaze as seen from our kitchen window.
Back door neighbors' driveway separates
our property from the patch of woods.
Our northwest neighbor burned his little patch of woods last night.
    The men gathered round to watch the fire in all its glory. I avoided them and took pictures.
   And cried.
   An ice storm hit this area in January 2009 and people have been getting rid of their trees ever since. Africa was once lush with trees...until too many of them got chopped down. If we keep taking out the bulk of the trees, how can we be so sure desertification won't one day become a reality for parts of our great country?

Thanks to Soulemama for this Friday photo sharing concept. Feel free to leave a link to your moment.


  1. I really dislike when people burn the woods. Even when they are just burning the underbrush, they still kill a lot of the older trees.

  2. Exactly why are they burning trees? Are they dead, fallen, diseased?

  3. I am studying a PhD all about prescribed burning. Often it is a good thing for the environment. I've lit many a fire and enjoyed watching the regrowth afterwards. I have looked in dismay when vegetation types becomes uniform with no variety due to fire exclusion. Sometimes the younger trees cannot grow without fire.

    However the need for burning is a case by case issue. Some places should not be burnt depending on the vegetation type and previous fire history. I could write for ever on this topic. Actually its been seven years of studying and a further five years working as a professional organising and conducting prescribed burns. Do they regularily burn in your area?

    I enjoyed your post.

  4. It wouldn't surprise me if this guy comes in and clear cuts eventually, but for now, he's just turning untouched ground into an eyesore. And burning out all the dead trees that provide such a nice habitat for the birds, all the brush that makes a good place for rabbits, etc. I wish it were my property!

  5. Hi again
    I'm sorry for your eyesore that might turn into a clear cut mess. Nice looking part of the world (minus any destruction).

  6. Oh no :-/ that's awful, trees are too pretty to be burned...

  7. Isn't fire supposed to be a natural part of the environment? By that, I mean lightening has always burned. We prevent it. Then, the underbrush helps to spread fire that is not controlled. Maybe the burning will prevent a fire from reaching homes if one ever breaks out and does not have people watching over it. I don't know why he is burning it, but I hope he does not clearcut it. I know this is no consolation when you think of the little animals. It is sad for them to lose their homes.

  8. good question, Practical. I understand controlled burns might be needed in large forests but seems to me this small strip of woods could have been managed better. This neighbor's wife is not happy about the burn either...she too viewed the woods as a privacy fence! This means I'll have to get in gear and come up with some plantings that will serve as a privacy hedge. Should've done that before now!


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