Thursday, April 14, 2011

On my mind: Spring flowers & spring cleaning for my soles

The sneak on top was as dirty as the one below before I tackled it!
On my mind: Spring cleaning includes cleaning my sneakers.
   The soles of my other athletic shoes clean up well with a toothbrush and toothpaste, but for some reason I have to use a melamine foam cleaning thingy to get these eco-soles clean. (Like "Magic Eraser" but I buy generic.)
   Never thought I'd share a pic of my sneaks, but I love, LOVE these Simple Shoes for their eco-certified suede uppers and recycled-materials shoelaces and soles. Simple even makes shoes that are totally VEGAN. Gotta love that! (Just sharing the love of a green product...this is not a paid endorsement.)
   To leave you with something prettier than shoes to think about, I'll share these pics taken this morning while we were driving "in town." The dogwoods and azaleas are in bloom here in Kentucky & some neighborhoods are really putting on a show!

   Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. What's on your mind today? Share your link here or on down-to-earth.


  1. I've heard good things about those shoes. My boss has two pair and has told me they are comfy in addition to sustainable.

    Those blooming trees are really a sight!

  2. Oh you are awesome to have sneakers on your to clean list!

  3. I've never seen that brand of shoes. I'll have to check it out. Dogwoods and azaleas are a sure sign spring is here. I have laundry on my mind today. Hope you'll visit.

  4. I really like your shoes and the blooming trees.

  5. I love the spring weather and it certainly looks beautiful in your part of the world. We're just heading into autumn but live in a tropical climate so no falling autumn leaves. Enjoy your day. (Visiting from Down To Earth.)

  6. My dogwood and azaleas are blooming, here. Of course, it's nothing as lovely as those pictures. I have never heard of those shoes, but I am going to check them out.

  7. I'm in Kentucky too and the dogwoods here are just buds starting to open. Lovely aren't they!

  8. All our flowers have faded away for the most part and now GREEN in all shades is everywhere. I love watching the Season changes.

  9. oh such beautiful pictures of the town, I really love the spring-time and love to see something from world out there;)


  10. and as far as spring flowers are concerned, I hope you'll like this



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