Friday, April 15, 2011

This moment: Energy efficiency tax credit...the door, not the kiddo!

Sweet little G2 at our back door trying to wake up enough to start her day. And a great day it was, by the way.
   This door we put in last year is considered an energy efficient home improvement and earned us a tax break. Gotta love that!!
   Thinking of making any improvements of your own? Might wanna check out this info on energy tax credits on the U.S. Department of Energy's site.
   Hubby will be turkey hunting all weekend. Though he'll be missed, I love having a day or two to myself now and then. Don't you?
   Hope you have a stellar weekend!!

Thanks to Soulemama for this Friday photo sharing concept. Feel free to leave a link to your moment.


  1. Oh yes I love it when I get a little time alone. But I can only take a day or two and then it gets awfully lonely and I can't wait till they get back.

  2. Thanks for that site. Oh, and thanks otherwise. Can you email me at pparsimonyAT yahoo dot com ? The address is at the top of my blog, also.

  3. That is a beautiful door! Brings in all that natural light. We took advantage of the energy tax credit with a new furnace and air. Thanks for the link! I must see what else is on that list :)

  4. This is a precious picture! It's always graet when we save money!

  5. Hm I do love a day or two to myself, adorable picture!


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