Friday, May 20, 2011

Couldn't find a second home for old trophies--waah!

Called and called but could not find a new home for DD's old trophies. As she does not want them and cannot be persuaded to take them to her own home, that means these durned things will have to be trashed.
   But WAIT, certain parts won't go to the landfill:
  • Hubby will take the engraved plates off...surely DD will have space and the teeniest bit of sentimentality for those.
  • He'll remove the nuts/bolts & if unusable, toss them in his metals' recycle pile.
  • Also, the marble pieces will get tossed into some hole in the ground that needs filling, y'know, like rocks.
   DD actually had one other big trophy that I used one time at the end of our road to hold up a garage sale sign. It was stolen! (*chuckle* She forgave me.)
   Maybe I should've put the others out to see if they'd be stolen too?! ;)
   Hope you had a great Wednesday. I did. I'll show-n-tell when I have more time. Hasta maƱana!


  1. I suffered this dilema when my children moved into their own homes...NOT one of them wanted the trophy's:) I evenutally threw them sad..

  2. what, no one wanted them to award at a competition, or in a school project?
    what an indictment of our society. Just think of the kids who would have been so happy to get the 'neatest homework' trophy or 'bravest kid in school'!
    People are so unimaginative.
    I think I would keep them, add a little paint and a ribbon or two, and wrap them up for a joke christmas present for DD!!!!!!

  3. @Blessings, I see I'm not alone in this!
    @Jackie, *chuckle* DD would laugh over that but then NOT take the present home! :-D

  4. There are independent trophy shops who will purchase them for parts. Or, any group have a sports banquet can use them for centerpieces or decorations otherwise at the banquet.

  5. I phoned all the trophy shops in this area and they've stopped taking them. :(

    NOTE: BLOGGER DELETED THE OTHER COMMENTS...NOT ME! Maybe they'll find a way to retrieve them???

  6. You know what's going to happen... as soon as you've found a new home, or a place for them. Someone will ring and want them!! Good luck :D)

  7. What a shame your DD doesn't want them. They could be treasures for her children and their children. I guess to her they are just clutter.

  8. It is a shame that trophies can't easily be re-purposed. Maybe Goodwill will take them?

  9. Too bad you couldn't get rid of them whole, but great idea to take them apart and use the pieces.

  10. Yes it is hard to get rid of them. Stolen wow. B

  11. I just saw this tutorial and thought of your's a cute idea for old trophies.

  12. what a fabulous repurposing, Lindy! wish I'd seen this before I recycled them!!


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