Friday, May 20, 2011

This moment: A surprise in the recyclables & my first organic sausage dish

Oh, yes, this little creature trapped in a can from the recycle box scared the bejeebers out of me!
   Fortunately, Hubby was around to take it outside to freedom...don't know why these little ones find such fun running in and out of our attached garage when the door is left open. Please don't let one ever come up the steps into our house! Can they climb stairs??
   Not sure I should post food in the same post as wiggly little lizards, but I could NOT post just a lizard pic and leave it at that!
   So, here's a pic of what I did with my first purchase of organic sausage (humanely raised pork). The stuff cost an arm and a leg, but I thought it much more flavorful than the factory farm stuff. Hubby just looked at the price and...well, you know!
   I fried up the sausage, divided it into thirds and froze two packages of it for a future use. Gotta love that.
   Made this a few days back. We're eating on a barbecued chicken right now that Hubby's pop surprised him with. 
   Boy, do I love barbecue surprises! Hope your weekend brings you nothing but pleasant surprises!!
Sausage Cabbage Leek Lentil Mish Mash
Thanks to Soulemama for this Friday photo sharing concept. Please feel free to share a link to your moment.


  1. We switched to ethical meat a year or two ago and oh my the difference in the flavour, yes it does cost considerably more but for us it is worth it on several levels.

  2. We have those little critters running around everywhere-and yes they can get up stairs. They will happily run in and out fo the house. I haven't seen as many of late and I'm hoping it's not because of the mice.
    The sausage dish looks so yummy,You've given me an idea for my dinner tonight. Maa

  3. I think the lizard is cute. Of course, finding it when you weren't expecting it would be a different matter.
    We made the change to local, sustainable meat two years ago (mostly) and it just can't be beat.

  4. Sometimes that price is worth paying and it sounds like it was in this case! I pay a premium for the eggs I get but it is totally worth it too.

  5. The first time my husband went with me to the farm to pick up some organic, grass fed beef he asked me if I'd lost my mind when he saw the price! I leave him home now so he doesn't get stressed out about it. LOL...We have zillions of those little lizards or skinks or whatever they are. They don't really bother me but I prefer that they stay outside:-)

  6. When I was about ten, Daddy caught a lizard and brought into the bedroom and put it on the bed. Bugs fell from the light and Daddy would push them to the lizard if it did not run to them first. The lizard, in the meantime, tried to escape Daddy. Next night, the lizard was waiting on the porch rail, right where Daddy caught him. Daddy carried the lizard to his bed where the lizard caught the tiny bugs that fell and depended on Daddy to push the others to him. This continued for weeks. They obviously can learn to like humans since the lizard eagerly climbed into Daddy's hand after the first night.

  7. Too funny! We have those little guys (well, geckos, but they look similar) everywhere! They have landed on me while I was sitting on the couch before. They love to hang around near the ceiling, and occasionally I hear a funny sound when one drops and hits the tile.

  8. LOVE the comments, you guys! such fun to know someone's actually out there...and such fun to read what's up with you each or where your thoughts are leading you. thank you!! *big grin*


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