Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fullfreezer sent me a sweet surprise!

Oh, don't you just love, love, LOVE winning something? Received the above as a surprise package from My Freezer is Full, a blog I have only recently discovered. Believe me, I tore into it just like a kid on Christmas morn--ever so tickled with the sweet surprises inside. The gloves fit perfectly, and I can't wait to grow these herbs we've never grown before. Such fun getting a surprise package in the mail!
Do we dare?
   Still hit and miss when it comes to garden weather around here in western Kentucky. Overcast and rainy these days. Yet again! And it's below 60° F out there right now. Brrr!
   Why, it was just six days ago that we so enjoyed our ride around the state as the sun smiled down upon us edging the temp near 90°. What has made our sun so everlasting shy these days?
Oh, yes, we do!
(we could see road under the water)
   If it doesn't stop raining, how will all the low-lying roads ever dry up? Even if it did feel like a mini-adventure driving through some of the high water, I'd much prefer dry roads. (The road markings were visible, so we knew the water wasn't deep.)
   Ah, well, it'll be hot as blazes soon enough no doubt. It's Primary Election Day today. I elect to have a good one! Hope more of the same for you: a day full of happy surprises and mini-adventures!!


  1. Lucky you! I hear the Ethel Gloves are the best! Wet and cold here in California: darn!

  2. Don't you just get so fed up with the wet weather?
    What a lovely gift you've won. So 'handy' too.
    Keep those tootsies dry!! Maa.

  3. Glad you like the surprise. I've got a pair of Ethel gloves and just love them. Normally I hate wearing gloves but these I can put on to work and almost forget I'm wearing them. Enjoy!
    I hope the weather gets a bit calmer for us all.

  4. @Lynda, the gloves feel wonderful. You and Fullfreezer have good taste!!
    @Maa & yummy, thanks!
    @Fullfreezer, so tickled you stopped by. I do LOVE my surprise. thanks ever so much!

  5. Lucky You! I love the gloves too! Everyone just love surprises :)

  6. What a great ride you both had - loved the pics.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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