Sunday, May 15, 2011

Living with more than enough and even some to share

Planting edibles in the front yard...chives add cute little purple puffs of color!
Hubby is my favorite gardener. Each year he grows more than I can cook, and we feel blessed to be able to share what we can't use.
   When family and friends have had all they can take, we take extra produce to our local Centro Latino, which distributes charitable gifts free of charge to migrant and immigrant families in need.
   And these days, we don't even confine the foodstuffs to the garden out back.
   Since I am a terribly LAZY cook, I'm trying to think less "flower garden" and more "edible landscaping" right out our front door. That way herbs/whatevers are just a step away and I don't have to tramp out to the garden. Not that it's far away as we only live on an acre of ground, but did I mention that I'm lazy? ;)
   Got the idea originally from an article in Mother Earth News: "Grow $700 of Food in Less than 100 Square Feet." Who'd have thought food could be incorporated seamlessly into attractive landscaping?
   Anyway, some folks out in Sonoma, California are spreading the word about folks sharing their garden riches with others while reducing those thirsty lawns, and is trying to help this charitable giving go viral.
   Congrats to all those planting to share with others on May 15th and 16th--they're earning stars in heaven! For more info on how to join this effort, check out the 350 Home and Garden Challenge.


  1. Wow this is such a great post. Thanks so much for sharing that link with us. It is amazing the amount of food we can be blessed with even with a small garden.

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog ;) Your space is lovely and would love to follow you for more interesting stuff! Woiuld like to invite you to follow me if you like :)

  3. Thanks for Sharing this post A VERY Powerful Movement!

  4. This is a very awesome post about how rewarding it is to share with and provide for others.

  5. hi there! thanks for stopping by my blog. i like your edible landscaping ideas, and wanted to say (about having things planted close to your door) i prefer to think of it not as laziness, but common sense! ;)


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