Saturday, May 14, 2011

Travel: It's the real thing

Gotta love it when the weather's nice enough to ride around taking in the sights on a random Wednesday afternoon. Thought I'd share a few photos of our day. Love happening upon iconic sites from the painted on walls, neon signs, cheesy tourist attractions. Gotta love it!
   Hubby mapped out a route full of country roads we'd never been on, but one place on the route, Mammoth Cave, is one of my all time favorite places. Fourteen years old and living in Tennessee at the time of my first visit, I can't even count the times I've been back  to the Cave--too many times to remember.
   I love the feel of that humongous quirk of nature. Though it was almost 90F degrees outside, down by the cave opening, I wished I had on a jacket. Didn't tour the cave this time...hope to take the grandgirls sometime this summer tho'. If you've never been, I highly recommend it. At the risk of sounding trite, something about the natural beauty and wonder makes all modern cares fall away.
   Having a good weekend? Hope so!
Historic entrance to Mammoth Cave, Cave City, Kentucky

Mammoth Cave National Park historic tour entrance

Fresh, 54°F air streams out of the historic entrance to Mammoth Cave

Wigwam Village in Cave City, Kentucky

Goat weather vane atop church steeple in Dundee, Kentucky


  1. Thanks for sharing your awesome adventure...been forever since I've seen Mammoth Cave...I will actually have to think long and hard on how many moons/years ago it's been:)

  2. What a great way to spend the weekend! It really is relaxing to drive along country roads with no schedule and no real agenda. I hope the weekend is going just as well as your Wednesday afternoon.

  3. When my son was stationed at Ft Knox KY we visited him and took a day trip to Mammoth Cave. It certainly earned it name! Our only problem was I didn't realize we had crossed to another time zone so we ended up waiting an extra hour for tour because I was confused about what time it was when I bought the tickets. They haven't let me live that one day yet! Crazy...

  4. Sure nice to hear from each of time to visit your blogs & see what you've been up to. I've got some catching up to do!!

  5. Love the weather vane- different that's for sure. Also nice to see the teppees. We have some beautiful caves here too and it's a lot of fun to go and explore. Looks like you had a very enjoyable weekend. Maa

  6. looks like a great weekend! love the mirrow on the first photo :)
    our weekend was full of work, hope next weekend will be a different one...


  7. Oooh, just looking at that cave makes me feel cold. I have a dear friend who lives in Kentucky. I may need to visit and make her drag me there. :)

  8. How did I miss this post! We lived in Owensboro, KY, and visited it once. Until the tornado took out all lights in this town, I had never experienced any dark to rival Mammoth Cave. The stars far away were the only thing different here and in Mammoth Cave when they turned off the lights.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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