Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A cookies and tootsies kinda day!

Non-stop action with the grandgirls around! Their little pool has been getting a workout each day, and we also journeyed to a nearby park this morn for some Spray Park action. (Gotta love those free park features!)
   I baked some cookies this morn before the grandgirls arrived, but then this afternoon they decided we needed to bake some cookies with sprinkles. Well, of course we can! In all the action, I forgot to take a pic of the finished product, but I've a feeling they're yummy...made with love by little hands.
Oatmeal Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Baked a few and froze some dough balls for another day.
Recipe from King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking Book.
Very similar to this one, except peanut butter used instead of nuts.
Sprinkle overload--the girls were a little heavy handed!
We made our Joy of Cooking Sugar Cookies in the food processor.
Li'l sis cut the little cookies; big sis made the bigger ones.
Makes for a less tender end product, but the grandgirls liked 'em anyway.
   Anything yummy cooking up over at your place today??


  1. I bet you are having a great time with the little angels! Non stop fun time!

  2. They look so yummy - love their tootsies pic too.
    Have fun :D)

  3. Looks like great fun!and the cookies looks so yummy too hmmmh :) wish you a great time with the grandgirls!

    (love this bear chair!! ;))


  4. Sounds like fun! I'm sure your grandgirls are in heaven with all the fun and yummy food at your place.

  5. this was cute.

    thanks for dropping by my blog today and leaving a comment! really appreciate it!


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