Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's a Care Bear chair-tent kinda day!

The little chair at left is one my dad made for DD when she was a wee girl.
The next gen grandgirls love it too.
Gotta love it when the grandgirls come to visit. We'll be having fun this week. Yesterday afternoon they played in a small blow up pool for hours. Little five and six year old girls are fairly easy to please! They're in the kitchen playing Go Fish right now.
   Hardest part of having these beautiful kiddos over to visit is figuring out what to feed them. Hoping to cook something with them today, but haven't figured out just what yet.  Wish me luck!
   Thanks for leaving comments...so nice to hear from you. Missing visiting everyone's blogs...can't wait to catch up.  Hasta luego!


  1. I have such fond memories of chair forts! I so look forward to the day when I can start building them with my girl. Hope you're soaking up all the precious grandkid love you can!

  2. That's so nice. You're all having a lot of fun together with the pretend camping!
    We have such happy memories of when our grandchildren were little and came to stay. Cooking together was always part of it. We'd make up a heap of scone dough and turn it into many things and baked. A favourite was to roll some of it out, smother in jam with the back of a spoon, sprinkle with sultanas, roll it up and cut the circles off and bake. More raw dough was eaten than baked and we still laugh about that today.
    Have a super duper week with your grandgirls Dmarie :D)

  3. @melissa, gosh, can you remember making forts? I don't think we did...tho' we did make a lot of card houses. ;)
    @Susan, ooh, thanks for the idea! I've not made a lot of scones...they'd make a variation over the cookies we usually make together.

  4. That is so sweet!! Sounds like all of you have a great time when they are there!!


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