Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happy by Jen Angel — YES! Magazine

Okay, I'm smiling right now...after all, science says it will make me happy! Hmnn, don't feel happier...well, wait, maybe a little! ;)

10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happy by Jen Angel — YES! Magazine


  1. smile:) Many years I was searching for this happiness in my life... but isn´t it our faith/believe? ;)


  2. Setting goals, putting money low on the priority list and savoring everyday moments are my top three. Exercise is a very close fourth. :) Honestly, all of these are great advice. Now if only I could get everyone else to smile with me....

  3. The Red Hot Chili Peppers reference made me happy. Well, at the very least it made me kinda sorta halfway smile.

  4. I love those ten tips and they are VERY true. I noticed I've applied a few in my life instinctively and I think I am a pretty happy person :)

    'Savoring' the moment and saying 'thank you' are real gems. Treating others to random acts of kindness will reward you in multiples. It's so important and free and easy to do.

    This Good Life

  5. Yes, those are all worthy aspirations. I am trying to laugh more, not just smile. I laugh easily, but this is laughing just to laugh, you know--like these laughing clubs. I always get a high when I help someone or give things away. Exercise? Well, not right Thanks for the article.


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