Monday, July 18, 2011

Not making my bed, well, not right away; Garden update

When the top part of this set of sheets wore out, I gave them to Mom to use for quilt fabric. She replaced the worn fabric with new material and gave them back instead! She even used the same material to put some little decorative touches on the pillowcases. I really don't think new sheets feel as good as the ones they used to make, so I was tickled pink with the make-over.
   Ever since I was a little girl, making my bed was something I'd do the minute I hopped up in the morning. Not anymore! I read some book on homemaking that recommended a wait of at least an hour before making the bed, to allow the bed to air and any night-time sweat to dry. The author even talked about HOW MUCH sweat accumulates in our sheets overnight, though I can't remember how much.
   Well, gross, I've had the willies ever since. For the last couple of years, I've been waiting at least an hour to make my bed every morn...all because of a book whose title I can't remember.
   This annoys me greatly, because I like to do the annoying little chores first thing and then not have to think about them anymore. I did mention I'm lazy, didn't I? ;)
By June 28 last year, our little western Kentucky garden was putting zucchini, Yukon golds and yellow tomatoes on our plates.
     This year, the zucchini plants are succumbing one by one to some predator bug, and Hubby refused to plant any potatoes due to potato bugs. On the bright side, we've eaten several zucchini and yellow squash, plus our first precious few yellow and red tomatoes, and with the help of a little fencing, the rabbits are no longer competing for our Swiss chard. Best of all, Hubby just ate the first two ears of corn. I call dibs on the next ones picked!
   How're things looking in your garden these days? Safer topic than asking about your beds, eh? ;)


  1. See! I knew there was a good reason that I did not make my bed first thing every morning.

  2. My husband has night sweats so as often as not, I don't make the bed at all. I just straighten the sheets and bedspread and then fold everything back half way or even half again (3/4 of the way down) to let it air out for the day. I do this especially often in the summer, less often in the winter. As long as it's all folded back neatly, I'm ok with it not being made.

    When he works out of town, I make it as soon as I get up. I'm not an active sleeper, so it's usually just a matter of pulling the covers up on my side and putting my pillows back on.

  3. I'm putting in my fall garden now. It so hot it's hard to believe that fall in on the way...I agree with you about new sheets not being as nice. I bought new sheets a while back and I was so disappointed. (They weren't cheap either) I was glad I hadn't gotten rid of my old ones. Back on the bed they went:)

  4. I agree with you on the sheets of today..nothing like the old cotton sheets..I don't care what thread count you purchase..not as soft..
    thanks for the info on not making bed as soon as getting up...makes sense..and yuck..

  5. Oh gosh, there's always a book or someone on tv pointing out the perils of doing or not doing something.

    I quit making the bed properly years ago ... just haul up the doona (duvet)and sheets together - hurl a mountain of cushions to cover the lumpy bits that I didn't straighten out. Done ;-)

  6. I couldn`t get away with leaving the bed unmade, as my cat tends to get into it as oon as I`m up. And he sheds an awful lot of hair I don`t want on my sheets and pillows. So, I make the bed and cover it with an old blanket he can have his snooze on without wrecking my bed.

  7. Only if the sheets are 100% cotton will they feel soft. So many of the older sheets are percale. The cotton/poly blend percales are atrociously stiff or hard. 100% cotton percale is softer to sleep on or under. I love cotton.

  8. The garden is late here this year as well. Still waiting on the tomatoes, potatoes are ready, mustard is gone but kale and collards are in their full glory, okra is almost knee high....canned beans, and pickles....moving to the fall/winter garden and skipping the late summer planting.

    Oh, and I've never made my bed unless I've just washed the sheets :)

  9. My small veggie garden is struggling. The squash bloomed, but didn't produce anything. It's still alive though. I have one little sorry tiny tomato on one of my plants, but it's been so, so hot that I hope it survives. bed it's a different story. I read somewhere that it's actually healthy not to make your bed since it gives you a bigger sense of freedom - so I live by that and never make my bed unless I have company over - it's perfect since I hate making my bed ;-)

  10. I've started harvesting my green beans, had a bumper crop of strawberries and courgettes and the potatoes I've been growing in pots are almost ready.

    I never make my bed, I just straighten it up and fold the duvet down to the bottom, ready to pull up when I jump back in!

  11. I have heard that about the beds, but like making mine as soon as I get up. We have radishes and cherry tomatoes that are ready - so exciting.

  12. Lol ~ oh no! It's the first thing I do in the morning... ;) I agree with you, getting it over with first thing is so much easier, no need to remember to get to it later! We'll have to see if I can manage to wait half an hour... :)

  13. I'm actually so glad you wrote about beds today! :-) That makes perfect sense and now I'm going to air out my bed each day too. :-)

  14. Hello! Love your blog :) I too, pull the sheets back to allow everything to air for an hour or two in the morning. It really is a good idea to air the bed with the windows wide open. I believe it was the book Home Comforts that got me started on that :)


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