Thursday, July 7, 2011

On my mind: Edible landscaping and using up zucchini!

Okay, I'll give this edible landscaping a a little bed at the front entry no less! To an existing bit of blue rug juniper, a couple of small bushes, some chives, white phlox and a mum, I've added red cabbage, fennel, thyme, Greek oregano and Texas tarragon. Added a couple of non-edibles: two coleus whose variegated leaves will add a blend of green plus the deep red color as found in the cabbages. I figured I'd let this bed grow a tad and then fill in with some types of flowers once I decide what more color is needed to keep it from just looking like a vegetable patch. Wish me luck!
Toted my plants bought on clearance home in the marine cooler that pretty much lives in my car. Absolutely LOVE having a cooler ready on hand whenever I need one!
Hey, I'm keeping up with the zucchini so far!! Used up the harvest today with a zucchini gratin and a crustless zucchini quiche. I love pie crusts, but trying not to eat anything but "slow carbs," except on cheat days.

Little grandgirl hands were a big help when adding herbs and layers of zucchini, onions, panko crumbs & dairy to the gratin.

I thought I had heavy cream in the fridge, but Hubby had used it all for his coffee! Had to fall back and punt: used a mixture of sour cream and mayo instead.
   Isn't it fun to be in the thick of summer nowadays? For those of you down under, I guess the reverse is true: likely you're happy to get a bit of a cool down! Wherever you are, hope today shone brightly upon you, whatever the temperature or weather!!
   Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. What's on your mind today? Share your link here or on down-to-earth.


  1. Good idea to keep a cooler in the car. I know it'd come in handy when out running errands. Zucchini gratin sounds yummy!

  2. Hi DMarie. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog AND voting for me. I really, really appreciate it. I love all of my Nanna's recipes and they are all no fail recipes, quick and easy and very, very tasty.

    I love the idea of an edible landscape. It seems to be taking off all over the world, including here in Australia.

    Thanks again Dmarie!

    Anne @ Domesblissity x

  3. Our zucchini just became ready this week, our summer squash is going crazy too.

    I am still impatiently waiting for pepper ans tomatoes. Should be coming soon, I think.

  4. An edible landscape? What a marvellous idea!

  5. That look's so yummy i just love zucchinis but dont know what to do with them thanks for the idear.

  6. I am in awe of your 'edible landscaping' - it's like the perfect combination of beauty, functionality and sustainability.

    And your zucchini gratin looks delicious... mmmmmMMM! :)

    Visiting from the 'Down to Earth' link-up. On my mind is the Sabbath/Weekend and how to make it super-special with my hubby :)

    This Good Life

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks for stopping by at Beyond the Nook- you're right , my heart has been stolen. Although it is summer here in England, the forecast temperature for today in my little patch is a very cool 13c I thought I would be enjoying zucchini and blue cheese soup by now , but all we have had are a couple of very small fruits.Your gratin looks delicious.

  9. I love the idea of edible landscapes but that gratin --- yum!

  10. Your edible garden will be lovely. I've done it (in a very haphazard way), and everything seems to support each other beautifully.

    The zucchini recipes sound yummy - nice to have young helpers in the kitchen too.

  11. That zucchini looks good! I thought I planted cantaloupe in my garden but it is turning out to be zucchini! love,andrea

  12. The zucchini gratin looks delicious! It's always side veggie in my household but zucchini gratin gives a nice debut as a main dish!

  13. hi
    the zucchini recipes sounds very,very yummie.thanks for sharing
    have a nice weekend,


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