Monday, July 4, 2011

Let freedom ring while repurposing beauty products; Baking flops still better than store bought goods

Happy Red, White and Blue!! Ringing in Independence Day with Crumb-topped blueberry Muffins. Just HAD to try a new recipe, even tho' I have one I like. Found these tasty but not as tender as I like, but DD pronounced them AMAZING. (NOTE: Just discovered an online reference about this recipe I'd found in Kentucky Monthly Magazine, and 1/3 cup of vegetable oil was left out of the recipe they'd published.)
Strawberry Cobbler made from frozen berries that I thought Mom had already sweetened. NOPE, not sweetened! I did wonder about this, but not being hungry, I couldn't make myself try one of the thawed strawberries. So this baking stumble could have been prevented. My cobbler topping is as sweet and tender as ever tho', and a little ice cream or drizzled honey will sweeten these strawberries right up! (The hot cobbler is pictured on the floorboards of our car, en route to where Hubby was yesterday...I don't have one of those lovely carriers that they make nowadays for toting hot dishes, so I make do.)
I just CANNOT make myself toss out products, even if I don't like them for their original uses.
  • Bought this defoliator on final clearance for $5 bucks, but when I used it to remove my leg hairs, this handy dandy sander removed a bit of my skin too! Now I use this device for smoothing my rough heels. Works beautifully!
  • I forgot my lotion on our trip to San Diego, so I ended up bringing home this lotion that's scented too strongly for me. I use it instead to "wash" my hands after I get hairspray or makeup on them during my morning routine. Keeps my hands from getting dried out during repeated washings! 
  • This facial mask is one that DD left behind unused. As my skin is too sensitive for face masks, I use this as a body scrub instead. Works wonderfully well!
   I also use unwanted hair conditioner as shaving cream, and I know others do this too. My brain just isn't working this morn, but I know there are a gajillion ways to repurpose beauty products. Care to share any of your favorites?


  1. Dmarie, I sometimes have 'flops' when I'm baking too. Heated and a little custard or icecream hides a lot of mistakes. Love that strawberry cobbler. I don't need any sugar with something as tasty as that. Enjoy your day. Maa

  2. Baking flops are always salvageable in my So, there are no failures, just interesting desserts. I have never been no hungry enough to taste a strawberry.

  3. Using those products for other uses is a really great idea. I have been making a real effort to use all my beauty products, I don't buy too much stuff, but I do have quite a few gifts that need to get used.

  4. Very creative uses for the products. :) Big smiles from me!


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