Friday, July 15, 2011

On my mind: Not buying lemonade mix or Benedictine Spread

Homemade semi-scratch Lemonade and Benedictine Spread
Our packaging waste still weighs heavily on my mind, so add lemonade mix and Benedictine Spread to the list of commercial products I no longer buy.
   Besides, this homemade stuff is super easy!
   I use a food processor and just 3 ingredients for the spread. And while squeezing fresh lemons would be even better, I use concentrated lemon juice most of the time. Yes, I WISH I had a lemon tree in my back yard for a ready source of organic lemon juice, but even using concentrate, this lemonade tastes MUCH better than the packaged powders do. With homemade, just adjust the amount of lemon juice to suit your taste!
I still haven't given up on trying to use ALL the garden produce, but boy, are the cucumbers ever hard to keep up with! Along with the usual cukes and onions salad, I made a cucumber spread, which consists of only 8 ounces of cream cheese, 1 medium cucumber, seeded, and 1 teaspoon of onion salt. I could eat this stuff by the spoonfuls! Since I'm not eating crackers except on Saturdays, I use cucumber chips for dipping and get a double dose of fresh cuke flavor. For a variation on the theme, check out this Taste of Kentucky recipe.

Semi-scratch Lemonade ingredients...double click to enlarge recipe.
Finally got around to taking a shot of that cherry pie I made the other day. Hubby was impatient to eat his slice (imagine that!), so all I got was this fuzzy shot. I gave a couple of slices to Mom/Dad yesterday, so all but one frozen slice of the ugliest pie ever is gone.

   Hope everyone has an outstanding weekend lined out?!! Me? Kinda hoping Hubby goes to the farm tomorrow, so I can get some time alone! Y'know, some quality time with that piece of cherry pie waiting in the freezer for cheat day. ;)

   Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. What's on your mind today? Share your link here or on down-to-earth.  


  1. When you said your hubby was impatient to eat the slice of pie and you got a fuzzy shot, it sounds so familiar, mine too. LOL!

  2. I've never heard of Benedictine spread before, but it sounds like something I'd love! Maybe I'll try it soon. Thanks for posting it.

  3. O.K., now that you've made my mouth water I guess I'd better grab paper and pencil. Yum!

    Blessings, Debbie

  4. hi dmarie,
    mmh..benedictine spread looks great,
    i think i will it try with zucchini.
    lemonade and cherrie pie looks delicious,too.
    have a nice weekend,

  5. YUM! Benedictine takes me back to my childhood!

  6. I think that pie looks yummy and I bet it tastes just as good as it looks:)

  7. I never made it myself before.. always from mom :) Thanks for the recipe as I am gonna try making it this time to surprise mom!!

  8. The spread looks delicious. g

  9. Hi, I jumped here via Meanqueen's blog and just have to say that your ugly cherry pie actually looks gorgeous. I also plan to try and make your cucumber spread as our cucumbers are starting to multiply!
    Love from Mum

  10. Lol ~ hope you got that 'alone' time and savored your slice of pie! :)

  11. Looks good! How about pickling the excess cucumbers? Super easy and tasty! Or, alternatively, make cucumber soup.

    As for what's 'on my mind'? My newly minted couscous-with-ginger-salmon recipe :) You can find it on my blog:

    This Good Life

  12. Some of the organic lemonade mixes are worth a try if you can't get fresh lemons.


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