Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Saying goodbye to my first set of dishes; Trying not to eat this ugly cherry pie

My very first set of dishes: Homer Laughlin Harlequin.
With only one year of college under my belt, I moved out of home at age 18 and set up housekeeping in a two-bedroom apartment with my brother down in Nashville, Tennessee. These dishes were one of my first purchases toward that new life "out on my own."
   Some are chipped, a few are missing and the top to the sugar bowl has been broken and glued back together, but I still love these and never once thought about selling them, even after all these years.
   Languishing as they were out on a shelf in our garage, these dishes were standing in the way of my minimalist ideal. Hook, line and sinker, I have absolutely swallowed the idea that having fewer possessions will equal having MORE life. But boy, giving up some things is like giving up my past, my younger me. In some ways I liked her better than the me of today. ;)
   Our DD is not "into" these chipped remnants of yesteryear, so I have just given these dishes to a dear cousin, a vintage-loving gal who will cherish them just as much as I did.
   Likely the dishes will earn some new chips as they help to create another lifetime of memories. What better tribute can I pay to my past than to ensure it has a future?
Ugliest cherry pie I've ever made, but BOY, do I want some of it! Too lazy to get out the recipe, I winged it and ended up using too much shortening in the crust.  Hubby says it tastes great, despite its ugly crust, so I will definitely be freezing a slice for me to eat on cheat day. Awfully glad I remembered to put a drip pan under the pie as it baked. After all these years, don't you think it's time I broke down and bought one of those nifty pie crust shields? Meantime, I'll wash and re-use the foil.
We had a perfect rain here in western Kentucky yesterday...the kind where you sit on the porch swing and watch the rain come down as the sun shines and steam rises from the road and the roofs. Hubby's in the process of painting our porch columns. He just painted them not too long ago but the paint was old and had taken on a pinkish cast. Bugged him enough for him to paint the columns again!
   When I saw my cousin's eyes shining yesterday as she looked at these, giving them away was easy. I truly mean that and I'd do it again in a heartbeat, but it doesn't stop me from mooning over my dishes a bit today. Anyone else still have that first set of dishes or something else that takes you back to your very first home away from home?


  1. I love the view from your porch! I'd give a whole lot for a view of anything that green from my own porches. Green in the southwest just isn't the same!

    Getting rid of things isn't always easy, but it truly does feel better in the end! Take a few moments today to allow it to be bittersweet and then you'll be able to rejoice that you have less clutter in your life.

  2. I am glad that you found a good home for the dishes, they look adorable, and would be great for someone looking for a new set. Living the simple life is hard sometimes, especially when things with real meaning just start collecting around me.

  3. I've been in the kitchen this afternoon going through my cookbooks and trying to decide which to keep and which to give away. I still have the Betty Crocker's Cookbook that I got as a wedding gift...34 years ago. It is tattered, with missing pages and lots of food stains but I just love that cookbook. Not that I even use it much now but I sure used it when I was a new wife. I really don't think anyone would want it so I think I'll just have to hang on to it for now:)
    I'm proud of you for letting go of your dishes. It's nice when you can give them to someone who appreciates it.

  4. @Barefeet, yeah, bittersweet's the word, and I've no doubt the mooning will pass, as I have handed them to just the right new owner!
    @SillyS, boy, you said it!!
    @PattiB, I've been paring down my cookbook collection and donating to the library, but I keep buying new ones. I'm NOT doing this right!! ;)

  5. Good on you for letting go, although those dishes look lovely, I too would have trouble parting with them.

  6. I married while still in college. Those first items I used were either from my mother's kitchen--extra rolling pin, ice pick,iron skillet and some cake pans, or I purchased them from TG&Y where I worked part time--sifter, carrot peeler. Or, they were wedding gifts--sterling silver flatware, Corelle casseroles with covers, stainless steel mixing bowl set. I have them still and use them regularly.

  7. Even though it is hard to see them go, it is really nice that they went to someone who will love them as much as you did.
    FYI - even an ugly pie is a good pie.

  8. I still have the Mikasa Silk Flower dishes that My husband and I registered for when we were married. They are beautiful but I was in denial about what my real style was at the time and they are not me. They are not my house. I think we've probably only used them 10 times since we married (these were not our everyday dishes). So I saved them thinking that one of my daughters would want them. I married off daughter number one last year and these are definitely not her style. Two more girls to go and I may find that I held on to them all these years for nothing! :)

    blessings, Debbie

  9. On a meeting with my parents I discovered that my mum still has the same camping dishes in her caravan as I had remembered eating off as a child, way back in the 1970s. How amazing is that. Mum and dad still use them today, as well as the old caravan from 1965.
    The caravan is a rarety now. Dad looks after it well, and that`s why he is still able to enjoy his camping at his age. Dad is 74 this October. Some things were made to last!!

  10. Hi there,

    Slightly offtopic, but I just wanted to let you know that I've written a mini-review of your blog at a link-up post on my blog. Feel free to check it out and I hope my recommendation will give you more traffic!

    Here is the link:

    Best wishes,
    This Good Life

  11. Although I love love love those dishes, I am so proud of you for giving them to your cousin who will take great care of them. Isn't it freeing? My dream is to live in an empty room with just my photographs.
    Your Friend, m.

  12. DMarie you are so brave I am in awe I love that you can do that. Your cousin is very lucky they are awesome dishes. I have my first set of dishes I pull them out on rare occasions I wish I could do what you just did.
    I would still eat that pie it looks yummy. I hate when they mess up my oven. LOL. B

  13. That cherry pie may not be pretty, but I'm willing to bet it's delicious!

    I just sold my first set of dishes on craigslist a few months ago. It was bittersweet! I'm sure your cousin is thankful for yours :)

  14. there is no such thing as an ugly pie!!! And I know how you feel I gave all my mismatched pots and pans to one of my sons friends last year. They were the first set I could afford after my divorce...but they weren't needed by me anymore...


  15. I think you would find me sitting out on your front porch every rainstorm, what a lovely spot.:) I too believe that less stuff equals more living and only keep what I use on a frequent and regular basis. It makes me feel better to have less, my home and life feels so much more open and free. And isn't giving stuff away the best feeling ever? Especially when the recipient is so grateful. :)

  16. I just thought I'd pop by and say thanks for visiting my blog and the encouraging comment.

    I'll be popping by your blog, I found it really interesting!

    See you soon!

  17. I know what you mean. For me it's a Bromwell sifter.You have such a beautiful yard. A perfect place to enjoy your pie.

  18. I love the colors of your "old" dishes;)(glad they find a new home;)) ...and what a great view from your porch, just a beautiful place to enjoy such summer-rains...

  19. I love the colors of your "old" dishes;)(glad they find a new home;)) ...and what a great view from your porch, just a beautiful place to enjoy such summer-rains...

  20. Giving up a slice of your past is the hardest part of decluttering. But think how much fun they will have in their new home!

    PS: I have no idea how you can bake a whole pie and refrain from eating it. :)


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