Monday, August 8, 2011

Alternative ways to travel - Planet Green

No way Hubby would ever go for it, but I'm intrigued by the "couch surfing" that some folks do. Even 4-Hour Body and 4-Hour Workweek author Timothy Ferris promotes couch surfing!
   Never heard of "woofing" myself, had you? Here's the scoop on Alternative ways to travel - Planet Green.


  1. Considering that a place to sleep is the most expensive part of travel, I admit this sounds intriguing. But, I'm a big ol' chicken.....and probably never would.

  2. hmnn, if it were just me, I might, but yeah, it does seem a bit daring, like jumping out of a plane! ;)

  3. I've known people that did this, but it would probably not work for me or the man. It definitely sounds interesting. I'd be more likely to sleep on another person's couch than to open my own home to complete strangers like that. Although, the fact I have small children probably influences that opinion greatly. Couch surfing with family or friends though? Ha. That happens frequently!

  4. I actually signed up for this last year and I've hosted three *surfers*. I live on a big farm and have a pop-up tent that's where my visitors the back of the property. It's worked out fine. I have not done any surfing...but would if it felt like a good fit. My visitors were young college-age kids...I'm in my late 50's.

  5. I have read lots about this, and definitely think I am not Sleep is difficult for me, so a strange house and bed with possibly lights, noise, kids, animals, allergens...not going to work. I like Lynda's idea of a tent so these people can stay outside my home. I am 65, so I won't be trying this. However, I think it is a great idea as long as it is safe.

  6. Before our European adventure we looked in to home exchange. The hard part is getting someone that wants to visit your part of the work. Where we live is pretty isolated and most of the people that contacted us lived in areas we didn't particularly want to go. I think if you are open to suggestions for holiday destinations, home exchanging is a great way to go.

  7. Nope, I don't think I would do it either. Interesting though.


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