Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gosh, Salted Caramel Peanut Butter Cups were easy; Uncluttering while unplugged

Salted Caramel Peanut Butter Cups, in the peanut butter spread phase

Remember the part about me being lazy? Then it'll come as no shock to you that I am choosing new somethings that go EASY ON ME for my 30 days of learning.
   Oh, so thankful that I noticed the yummy-looking Salted Caramel Peanut Butter Cups over on Jo in the Kitchen. These are so simple to make, I'll definitely be making them again. Thanks, Jo!
GREEN thoughts:
  • Though I was a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup fan, I no longer buy them because they contain palm oil, which is linked to rainforest deforestation.  
  • The Illinois House passed a "Green Ramadan resolution allowing the ninth month of the Islamic calendar as a 'Green Month' for all faith communities in Illinois."
  • The Vatican issued a green statement in April: "We call on all people and nations to recognize the serious and potentially irreversible impacts of global warming..."
  • The Southern Baptists have espoused a green Declaration, which says it's time to address global climate change; "Humans Must Care for Creation and Take Responsibility for Our Contributions to Environmental Degradation."
   Now it's time for me to get off this thing and go "unplugged" for a few hours. Still working up to a weekly 24-hour unplugathon, but for today, I'll settle for a 4-hour span of not using anything plugged in. Uncluttering the kitchen should keep me busy, as I look through the cabinets and drawers for items I don't and likely won't use.
   Our kitchen cabinets were made by a local cabinet maker, and I never even noticed this upper shelf sagged until I took a pic of it for this post. Maybe I should move the Winfield China Mom gave us somewhere else!

   Hope you find some unplugged fun this weekend!!


  1. Peanut butter cups sound fantastic today. I haven't had one in ages, since we stopped buying anything containing corn syrup. Sometimes looking at ingredient lists really puts a kink in my fun. :P I need to look into making some for a treat!

    Good luck with the uncluttering today. Several hours unplugged is an excellent plan. :) I try to do that at least once or twice a week.

  2. Uncluttering? That's so hot!
    Yes, move that china before that shelf breaks. That would break your heart. Good luck! m.

  3. Where I live , it's easy to go "unplugged" as our local utility has lousy service.

  4. Ooooh, I love pb and choc anything--too much. I will save this recipe!

  5. These sound like lots of fun to make and scrumptious!

  6. @Barefeet, learning about HFCS caused me to ditch many commercial products. better for waistline AND budget, eh?!
    @Mark, you're right, you're right, but where to put them? I managed to cull only ONE item from the kitchen yesterday. *sigh*
    @Sue, when I'm out of the house most of the day like yesterday, it's easy to be unplugged, so I figure that doesn't count. when I'm home alone, the Internet calls my name! ;)
    @Practical & 5 Star, now that it's not cheat day, I'm wishing those PB cups were NOT still around. ;)

  7. I am a big fan of the Michael Pollan advice: Eat all the junkfood you want....just make it yourself!

    The thought of giving up junkfood is appalling to me as I am such a sweet tooth! But, I don't have to since I've become a whiz at homemade cakes/cookies/bars. No palm oil. No HFCS. No GMOs. Just what I want.

    Not that that makes them healthfood. But at least it is junkfood I don't feel bad about.

    Its been years and years since I had a peanut butter cup (though I've made many PB and chocolate combos otherwise). These look like the next junkfood I'll be trying when my sweet tooth takes over.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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