Friday, August 5, 2011

Bombed at homemade noodles; Survived the wild turkey wrangle; Thumbs up on 5-minute cake

Wild Turkey-Pineapple Mish Mash
Get ALL that white stuff off? I tried!!
Thanks to Yummy Little Cooks' post on Pineapple Chicken, I knew just what to do with some leftover pineapple chunks. Missing several of her ingredients didn't stop me!
   With no raw chicken on hand, I thawed out some wild turkey breast. I'd incorporated leftover cooked wild turkey strips into many a meal, but Hubby's the wild game cook in this house. I'd never worked with the raw meat myself.
   The wild turkey was covered on both sides with a filmy, sometimes thick membrane and sprinkled with what looked like little black hairs and a few blobs of yellow fat. Well, GROSS! But I braved it and eventually cleaned it to my satisfaction. Once cut it into chunks, it cooked up just like chicken!
See, don't you think it looks like chicken?
   Lacking Asian Plum Sauce, I improvised with some cherry jam, red pepper flakes, ginger and white pepper. Needing to use up some produce, I added green pepper and chopped tomato too.
   My Turkey Pineapple Mish Mash turned out quite well, despite my fiddling with the original recipe, so thanks, Yummy, for the inspiration!
   Only as I was doing it did I realize that the task of cleaning wild turkey breast was new to me, so I decided to purposefully do something I'd been wanting to try: Bake one of those 5-minute Microwave Chocolate Cakes, like this one Bittman credits to Food Network. Not my cheat day, so Hubby had to be the judge of this first one. He liked it, hey, Mikey!
   The hard part of committing to trying something new each day might just be the frustration of failing at something new on a regular basis! But hey, I survived my first failed attempt at making homemade noodles. And my thick, ugly noodles still might taste good once they're dried and ready to can hope.
   Despite the head-banging over the noodles, I'm getting a kick out of this challenge. Thanks, Bruise Mouse, I look forward to seeing what you choose to do for your 30 days! And LOVE the comments, you guys, helps to get me off my tuchus and into the kitchen to try something new! Kitchen's first...WORLD'S NEXT!
These noodles are supposed to be long...but once I'd rolled them up to cut, they wouldn't UN-roll!
The rest of the story: my homemade mayo transformed some leftover chicken into a fine salad.


  1. I'm loving your noodles...they are so cracking me up! I remember the first time I made noodles...what a mess...I kept dropping the dough on the floor and picking it up and re-rolling...I finally got a hand crank machine..then more recently a roller for the Kitchenaid. Keep up the good work!

  2. Your noodles probably just needed more flour (or even some cornstarch) while rolling, but they should taste fine. Just call them dumplings if you have to... :)

  3. Your sweet and sour looks delicious! Way to go with trying new things every day. I'm trying a few new things a week and the failures still bum me out. Hopefully your noodles will still be delicious!

  4. I just gave away a noodle/pasta maker. It just all seemed too complicated. I could have given it to you!

  5. My first pasta making attempts were not what I'd call a success, but it is old hat now. Yes, if they stuck it was probably just needing a bit more flour. That happened to me all the time at the start.

    I use a pasta machine to roll and cut now. It is not nearly so complicated as it might seem and makes the noodles nice and even. We still just cut by hand sometimes though, for the wide egg noodle type.

    If you want to check out the machine:

  6. Oh and good for you for making your own pasta! What a cool new thing to try! I remember my own excitement.


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