Thursday, August 4, 2011

I made homemade mayo!; Meet the followers

Homemade mayonnaise ingredients. I thought my arm would fall off before I finished my adventures and misadventures in whisking up my first homemade mayo!
My mayo "broke" when I switched to the immersion blender in hopes of making it thicker. So, I just whisked another egg yolk and then slowly whisked the separated mayo in to create a new emulsion. Phew!
Always wondered if I could make my own mayo, and now I know! I did NOT feel like cooking last night but wasn't up to trying a spoon of Mar-mite either, so I came up with the quickest recipe that featured a technique I'd never tried before.
   Though the end product turned out great, homemade mayo won't keep as long as the commercial stuff, so I'll probably stick with Hellman's!
Guess what? The final product tastes like mayonnaise, only fresher!
Only way to go when the counter is loaded with less-than-perfect tomatoes: homemade slow cooker tomato sauce. I only "cheater canned" them, without going through the water bath, or boiling the jars and using new lids. The jars sealed, but I'll still refrigerate them and use them up quickly.
$GREEN$ and GREEN thoughts: 
  • Dishwasher not working again! Broke a few weeks ago, and on the advice of a repairman, Hubby replaced the circuit panel to the tune of 100 bucks! Now it's gone berserk again!!
  • Yesterday Hubby made $8 on aluminum cans at the local recycling place. He also took apart my folks' broken coffee pot and was able to recycle some of its parts.
  • We filled up our gas tank early in the morn yesterday. Saves money because the gas expands in the tank, so pumping in the afternoon means less gas for the money on hot days.
  • Hubby continues to "top off" the gas tank. I've read this is bad for the environment, as it pushes more gas vapors into the air. Old habits die hard though and he won't quit topping off the tank, so I may have to start pumping myself. He'll think I'm nuts!
   Hope you're staying COOL today?! Thought I'd put the "followers" up top, so everyone can see and click on them easily. I get such a kick out of "visiting" with those who visit here. Thanks!!


  1. Love homemade mayo. I kind of like making mine - just hand whisk.
    Good idea using slow cooker for tomato sauce... set and forget ;-)

  2. Thanks for those pics of the state fair! I enjoyed them. And the mayo...I was just telling my neighbor that I have a recipe from my grandma for making homemade sweetened-condensed milk and that I made it once and it tastes and looks like the one you buy...I'll have to search for that today! This is like the science class of cooking! I think it would be good to learn these things in case of necessity in the future. love,andrea

  3. Brave girl! I use the blender to make arm would fall off if I had to use a whisk...and I keep a just in case jar of Best Foods (west coast Hellman's)in the fridg!

  4. Fantastic! That mayo looks delicious. I love the eggy yellow of it. That is such a great start. Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with.

  5. This is something I have always wanted to do. I think you have inspired me.

    I can't wait for more "new" things.

  6. I'm really glad you shared this post. I've never tried making my own mayo but wondered about it. Maybe I'll stick with Hellmans too, knowing that in a pinch I COULD do it if I needed to...

    Blessings, Debbie

  7. Hey, I was under the impression that I dd follow you since your new posts pop up in my Reader all of the time. What's up with that? Anyway, I am now an "official" Follower. See my mug up there!
    Anyway, when Fred came to this country in 97, he would only use mayo that he made. Then he discovered that we actually sold it in stores. He's now a lazy American like the rest of us. m.

  8. What a good idea putting followers up on top, very easy to spot! :) Our dishwasher broke years ago, my solution? I threw it away and now have extra cupboard space, which I always love and need! Sure, I have a lot of dishes, but with a husband and 3 girls... we all help out! :)

  9. I've made homemade mayo before, but I didn't really like it as well as Hellman's or Kraft. I'm also very particular about my oils (peanut or olive almost exclusively) so it wasn't any less expensive than storebought. BUT...I think it's a good skill to have, because you never know when you'll need it in a pinch.

    Since buying our current van, I never top off the gas tank. Every time I've tried, I've spilled gas onto the ground. :(

  10. If you want to extend the shelf life of your homemade mayo, you can add whey and lacto-ferment it. I haven't tried it yet, but several friends have, and highly recommend it. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I'll get time to try it and post on my blog.

  11. Well done with the mayo. Haven't tried that yet. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog.

  12. I've always MEANT to make homemade, but it sounds like so much can go wrong. Hellmans is easier, but perhaps I'll give this a try!

  13. Ooh, you've inspired me! Even though I don't eat mayo, the husband does and I bet he'd love to try it homemade. Interesting tips about gassing up, too!

  14. Thanks for visiting. I followed you home and loved the home made mayo. My mother used to make it often and it became my favourite breakfast. Mayo on toast.

    Perhaps it is time I made some.

  15. I love homemade mayonnaise too! But yes you're right, it doesn't last as long so it's hard to keep making, especially if you're trying to cut down on your mayo/fat intake!

  16. That mayo sounds delicious I will have to try that.
    Our gas is $1.31 a litre so I have to fill it a little at a time and that really hurts. B

  17. Hi! is your recipe for your mayo on your blog? I used to make my own years ago and have recently tried to make it, of course I can't find my recipe and you say yours tastes like Helmins, thats what I want! Thanks!

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. @Mountain, though it tasted very nice, this recipe didn't match the thickness of Hellman's, so I'm going to keep looking. *sigh*
    ps...the above deleted comment was my own. I'd somehow managed to comment as "anonymous"


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