Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gonna try something new for 30 days; Ohio State Fair final chapter

Living a Little Greener has invited us to join her in a challenge to "Try something new for 30 days," as inspired by Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days | Video on I love the idea, so I'm IN!
   Maybe something new I do or discover this month will make this my BEST YEAR EVER.
   While I'm thinking of what my own "something new" will be, I'll just share a few of my favorite pics from the Ohio State Fair.
I love, love, LOVE this Best of Show rug!!
Best of Show in leathercrafts
Best of Show in its division
Best of Show in another division (age-based maybe?)
Civil war re-enactors.
LOVE old kitchen stuff, so this exhibit was eye candy to me!
My fav window box planting (Double click to enlarge photo)
   Okay, drum roll please, I've decided my "something new" will be ____________. Well, I can't decide! There are LOTS of things I've never done before but always wanted to do.
   For instance:
  • Always wanted to try my hand at making these from scratch: pretzels (or German brezels), Challah, bagels, croissants, Danish pastries, doughnuts, jell-o. 
  • Always wanted to cook enough in one day to "fill the table" with food (I've no doubt done this, but there's no picture to show for it). 
  • Always wanted to see how much "spring cleaning" can be accomplished in one day (more of a curiosity question, NOT a fantasy).
  • Always wanted to see what it's like to exercise for 6 hours in one day (that's how long the contestants on Biggest Loser exercise, which astonishes me!)
  • Always wanted to sleep out in the open, under the stars.
  • Always wanted to go hang-gliding.
   To make this easy on myself, I've decided that my "something new" will not be one thing, but instead will be a mind-set to do at least one new thing each day. Could be as simple as dipping a spoon into that jar of Mar-mite I bought but haven't had the guts to try.
   Whether I'm baking something new, trying a new craft or tasting something new, this should be an interesting 30 days. Beginning today. Now, anyone know how I'm supposed to eat Mar-mite?


    1. I don't know how you are supposed to eat Marmite, but I would try a teeny bit on a spoon first. I cannot even think of exercising for six hours in one day!! Nice pictures.

    2. Something new for thirty days, I absolutely love it. This is going to be fun to watch.

    3. I look forward to seeing what you get up to in the coming days. Sounds like you've got a lot of fun ideas already. I've never covered the table with food either and I think that is something I'd like to try.

    4. So looking forward to seeing what you'll be up to....but hang gliding? Oh dear. No thank you. I'm so scared of heights. I can't even WATCH people doing that.

      Loved the kitchen display. I'm with you on that. I LOVE kitchen gadgets and the old stoves. Wow!

    5. Try eating a smitching of marmite spread on toast. That`s how kids eat it here in Britain. Personally, I hate the stuff, but my youngest son always had it on toast.

    6. Marmite on toast or sandwich (marmite and cheese sandwiches are nice). But tip - don't spread it on too thick. Just a thin layer. It is quite strong.

      My mum has the yummiest cheese and marmite muffins. Very very yummy!

    7. What is Mar-mite? I think this will be fun for you.
      They exercise 6 hours no wonder they lose weight wow I did not know that. CRAZY> B


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