Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ohio State Fair continued--Let them eat cake!

This picnic cake was my fav!
Went to sleep thinking of cakes and find myself craving cake though it's only 9 o'clock in the morning. Wonder why?
Not sure how this was made out of cake...people can be so ingenious when it comes to food!
Winner of Best of Show Professional Baker
Gotta love a cake smörgåsbord!!
Best of Show Novelty Cake
A bizzaro Chip and Dip Cake won its category: Ugliest Decorated Cake.
This Best of Show winner in its category led me to craving cupcakes, a craving satisfied when I found a booth selling a cupcake "sundae"...so big it was the first cupcake that I could not finish...oh, the shame of it!!
   Because I am such a sucker for food porn, please, please, PLEASE share a link if you've got a cake to show off.
   I'm getting the remaining two of my fillings replaced this morn. (No fun spending $money$ at the dentist, but that's one of the reasons we save, eh?). I'll be numb afterwards, of course...oh, how I hate that part! *sigh*
   On a brighter note, check out the Link Love goin' on over at Northwest Edible Life--she's got links to those participating in the 2011 Nosy Neighbor Urban Homestead and Garden Tour!


  1. I am taking my kids to the fair this Sunday. You have me excited. Those cakes look so creative. Bakers are so incredible.

  2. Holy cow! Those cakes are amazing, such detail! I can't imagine how long it takes to create one to perfection, they look like works of art! :)

  3. Oh my, those cakes are so fantastic!

    Hope your appt. goes well.

  4. Those are absolute works of art! I could win the ugliest cake award. Is this a category to enter, or do you get surprised with the award?

  5. Those cakes are incredible. Good luck at the dentist.

  6. @Allison, have fun! Not just everyone gets excited over walking through barns full of prized animals, but it's a window to another world for me!
    @Melinda, that's what I thought!
    @Nik, thx, it did and now it's done. Yea!
    @Lea, I was just as impressed!
    @Practical, *CHUCKLE*
    @Mel, yes, incredible. and thanks, though I don't like PAYING to be tortured, it's over now. ;)

  7. I love that they had an ugliest cake award. Do you think contestants actually try for that one? :)

    That novelty cake of the petit table is so cute.

  8. Oh my goodness! I'm so impressed by these cakes! I wish I could take a look in person! Thanks for sharing!

  9. These are amazing! I'm glad you got pictures :)


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