Sunday, August 14, 2011

Uh, oh, free range horses! Plus a surprisingly good state park buffet--no, really!

Ran across a couple of free range horses and a mule when we were out on the motorcycle the other day. Coming across animals on the loose means trying to figure out who owns them and then hoping like everything that the owners are home! We got lucky, because Hubby guessed right on where these lovelies belonged. Lucky too because no yard dawgs tore into Hubby or me as he knocked on the door! ;)

Sweet little road trip on Friday to Spring Mill Inn State Park in Indiana. An all around PERFECT day. Soon as Hubby downloads pics from his camera,  I'll share a few pics I took of the Pioneer Village. My camera batteries gave out right after I snapped the cornmeal pie!
   Hope you had a perfect weekend too. Feel free to leave a link if you've something delicious--food or fun--to share!!
Hey, I'd never seen bonafide Fiestaware on a restaurant buffet, have you?
Fairly healthy plate overall, so a little fried chicken won't hurt me, eh? Honest to goodness, this tasted like the fried chicken my Mamaw used to make! Can you make out the log cabin birdhouse just out the window?
My chess pie has a couple of tablespoons of cornmeal in it, so that's what I was expecting. NOPE, this really was a cornmeal pie. Got the recipe and hope to make it sometime soon!
This was my something new on Friday...really gotta love broadening my horizons in this way! Pictured here are Persimmon Pudding and Sugar Cream Pie...both new tastes for me. The pudding was the more interesting of the two. The Sugar Cream Pie was WAY too sweet for me. Hubby thought the pudding really tasted like persimmons; I wouldn't know as the only persimmon I ever tried was gonna be my last--unripe lip-puckering thing it was. Ripe persimmon--tasty!


  1. Cornmeal pie! How novel...can't wait to get that recipe.

  2. Can't imagine something too sweet!!
    Of course, that's what gets me into trouble....LOL!

    Glad you found (and took the TIME to find) the owners of the runaways.

  3. That restaurant looks very central Pennsylvania to me. Now I'm starving. And no, I've never seen Fiestaware in a restaurant before. I love this stuff. My Mom has a huge collection and it's the only that I want her to pass down to me one day.

  4. @Practical, SOON!!
    @Sue, I used to say the same, but I met my match in this pie!
    @Mark, *chuckle* good luck with that! My brothers and I tease each other about what we'll be stuck mom saves everything!!

  5. That is a lovely park. I visited it probably 20 years ago and it was memorable.

    I have made persimmon pudding too. They are very good right after the frost when they fall to the ground.

    Pies are an art. One I haven't even started to master.

  6. I doubt we ever camp as far away as Indiana, but now I want to...just to eat there!

  7. Oh, good. I just saw that you are going to share the recipe for the cornmeal pie. I've never heard of such a thing. Thank you for sharing.

    brenda from arkansas

  8. I love hearing about foods I've never encountered before Dmarie.
    The Persimmon Pudding looks real nice - wouldn't know what it tastes like though. I'll keep and eye out for the cornmeal pie recipe when you make it as well, curious as to whether it's sweet or savoury. It's near the others, so I'm guessing it's sweet :D)


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