Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Loving the idea of 'Ten on Ten,' a snapshot of our lives

Love, love, LOVE this idea I read about over on The Good Life about a concept devised by A Bit of Sunshine: the Ten on Ten Photo Project. This morn of August 10, 2011, I will attempt to capture some element of our lives at the top of every hour. I will add photos throughout the day...I think I get to be home today for a change, so this might be the best day to begin a Ten on Ten! Might need to refresh the page if you visit again to see the rest of the photos.
Six O'Clock-ish: Rolled out of bed at 6:02AM and assembled my banana breakfast smoothie soon after. Hubby will cut up the tomatoes gleaned from the garden yesterday to freeze. He wants to make a batch of tomato relish this year. (Note: I ended up coring and quartering all our ripe tomatoes myself...ended up with 10 pounds for the freezer!)
Seven O'Clock-ish: Hubby sautéed venison tenderloin in butter for his breakfast that also included fried eggs, sliced tomatoes and a leftover sweet roll.
Eight O'Clock-ish: Refilled the cotton ball container in the master bath.
Nine O'Clock-ish: I was on the phone when the timer went off to remind me to take a photo, so this is the best I could do with one hand and half a mind on the subject: our breakfast dishes. New dishwasher eagerly awaited!
Ten O'Clock-ish: Tomato Basil Mozzarella Salad, inspired by Savory Sweet Life.
Eleven O'Clock-ish: I'm here catching up on my blog hopping, interspersed with some of my daily exercises. I'm sitting on a throw, to keep the lotion on my legs from getting on the couch.
Twelve O'Clock-ish: Yes, we ate a weird lunch at this messy table. Hubby pulled out the Tomato Mozzarella salad, but for some reason also pulled out the pimiento cheese. I liked the salad, but as I hadn't yet had any of the pimiento cheese I'd made, I ate some on these leftover tomatoes (instead of on bread) for the bulk of my lunch.
One O'Clock-ish: Got up in Hubby's truck bed to take a pic of our view to the west. He just bought it yesterday (new to us!) and had pulled the truck into the shade to wax it.
Two O'Clock-ish: Reading a Harry Potter book for the first time while I stir goat milk, etc., to make cajeta (Mexican version of dulce de leche) for the first time. Boiled the stuff over in fact, and had to switch burners while the mess cooled. NOT the first time that's ever happened, unfortunately! The cajeta tastes great--despite me!
Three O'Clock-ish: Though I forgot to take a pic at three, this is the mess from the boiled over cajeta that I was cleaning up about that time.
PS: Though I was shocked to find that A Spicy Perspective wasn't on it, I can't wait to check out this list I found: Forbes Magazine: Eight of the Very Best Food Bloggers.


    1. What a great idea and an interesting glimpse into your day! It looks like a lot of your day, like mine, is spent in the kitchen or doing something that has to do with food ;)

    2. I love this idea too!

      What a nice day.

    3. Your tomato, basil mozzarella salad looks delicious!

    4. @Melissa, you got that right!
      @Niki, thx, maybe you will get the chance to join in. Hope so!
      @Leanne, thx! Tho' mine wasn't as pretty as the one on Savory Sweet Life, it WAS delicious!

    5. Love having peeps into your life! You've a good sense of humour - I like that.
      Oh dear me, what a mess on the stove - poor you!

    6. and now i'm craving tomato mozzarella salad!

    7. This is a great idea. The salad looks delish!!

    8. visiting from 10 on 10...that salad looks amazing! i will have to try it with all my tomatoes from our garden!

    9. busy day in the kitchen!! love the tomato salad

    10. that salad looks super good. i love the 10 on 10 thing but always forget about it when the 10th comes around!! oops.

    11. Looks yummy and healthy, I love wash up photos, your last one is very real.

    12. Such an interesting peek into a 'day in the life'! x

    13. I ate that same salad a million times when I lived in France... your pic made me nostalgic! Great!!! Love that!!!

      Congrats! You have a beautiful set!

      Kisses and blessings.
      Mirys (from Brazil)

      (participating of "10 on 10" since last March. It IS a good idea, isn´t it??)

    14. Quite the cook! Are you loving Harry Potter yet? I was so surprised at how quickly it wrapped me in.

    15. I love this idea and loved seeing into your life. Western KY looks so flat from here ;)

    16. That salad looks so yummy! I'm reading Harry Potter also, it's so good! I'm glad that I've seen all of the movies first, it makes reading the books like an extended cut of the movie with all sorts of extras! And it made the movies good, because I had no expectations! Great set!

    17. Loved getting a little peak into your life! I am going to check out that list right now! Good place to find ideas on making my blog better I bet!

    18. Ha, you are too kind. :)

      This is a very clever post. Wonder what my 10 on 10 post would look like...guessing chaos!

    19. Great idea and thanks for sharing your 10 on 10. I smiled when I read you used a timer to remind you when it was photo taking time!

    20. Lovely idea of hourly photos! Will do it one day on my blog. Thanks for having visited my blog as well xx


    Love it that you stopped by today!

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