Sunday, August 21, 2011

Quick family get together--mostly just desserts

Yeah, quick family get togethers may be the easiest entertaining there is. We'd gathered for a BIG meal on Thursday night, so a hot Saturday night seemed to call for no more than just some simple desserts. These super easy Cherries-n-Cream Parfaits got the most attention.

MIL brought her much-beloved pecan pie. Made with Karo pancake syrup, this is one sweeeet gooey yummy pie!
Hubby's plate from the Thursday night family get together at Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn. Not in the mood to strap on a feed bag that night, I ordered off the menu instead of going the buffet. The buffet on a Thursday night runs $13.50; whereas, my chopped pork plate was $8.25, and I took home enough for Hubby's lunch another day!


  1. I *adore* pecan pie. It's my specialty, in fact. I've never made it with Karo pancake syrup, just the light corn syrup. I seriously, seriously love it. In fact, I may have to make one now.

  2. I like that you are using *real* plates,glasses and servietes, not throwaway stuff. It ven looks better than the paper stuff and so much nicer to eat from.


  3. I love casual family get-togethers, especially ones centered around the desserts.

  4. Mmm dessert...keep it coming. Wish we had a buffet like that near us.

  5. Oh MY! Where is the BBQ mutton? My Daddy used to dig a pit and roast a rack of mutton over hickory every fall. The Moonlite is the closest to that I've ever found!

    And how else do you make a pecan pie? ;)

  6. I love what can be done in parfait glasses. I sneak in some yoghurt amongst the sweeter concoctions... no one's the wiser ;D)
    That pecan pie looks divine by the way!!

  7. Well, it looks like you finally got your "just desserts"!

  8. Nice eats here, the pecan pie looks especially fantastic.

  9. hi
    that looks soooooooooooooo good!!!!!
    have a nice day,

  10. Mmmmm I love these family get togethers and potlucks. Everyone seems to bring their A-game. Adding you to my blogroll!

  11. What a feast!! Family get togethers are so much fun. Your parfaits look delicious - it is easy to see why they were a favourite.


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