Friday, August 26, 2011

This moment: Kentucky State Fair foods finale

Looking through these Kentucky State Fair photos the other day reminded me to search once again for a new candy thermometer. Have yet to successfully make some of my favs. Here's hoping the new thermometer will turn the trick!
   Wishing you a sweeeeeeeeeet weekend!!
Didn't manage to get a good pic of the entire area, but this pic of part of the room gives some idea of the scope of the culinary display at the Kentucky State Fair.
Say CHEESE! Forgot to post this photo with the cakes yesterday...couldn't bring myself to just leave it out!
   Thanks to Soulemama for this photo sharing concept. One of these days I'm gonna post just ONE photo without any caption; won't you be surprised! Please feel free to share a link to your moment.


  1. Oh no you have some wicked stuff here! Njam!!! Now I am craving chocolates :)


  2. You got me again. I've been away but I'm just back to Blogville and making my rounds. And of course I see one of your food posts hours before it's lunch time and am now starving. And the last two posts are about cakes too. You're so evil to me!
    Your starving friend, m.

  3. man! no fair! these look amazing and made me want to go bake - right this minute!

    i remember being in the fair when i was younger. i made a fabric covered photo album.

    have a great weekend!

  4. *swoon*
    now you have made me hungry for the bad stuff!
    Our moment:
    Happy Weekend!

  5. oh my yummy goodness! those look so delicious - any one of those i could eat all up! here's my moment:

  6. Oh my gosh, these pictures just made me so hungry!

    Thanks for stopping by our blog today! I love seeing everyones moments on Fridays!

  7. Oh my! this makes my mouth water. I'm taking a 30 Day Vegan workshop. I just bought some dark chocolate and quinoa puffs to make my own healthy vegan treat.

  8. Wow! There goes my diet LOL :) These are great photos. Thanks for sharing!


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