Thursday, August 25, 2011

On my mind: Cakes, cakes everywhere but nary a bite to eat

Kentucky State Fair Brown Sugar Caramel Cake Recipe
By the time we got to the Kentucky State Fair, these cakes were even a few days old, but that didn't stop me from mooning over each and every one. All these pictures are incentive for me to spend some time baking blue ribbon cakes of my own.
   I had planned to include pics of some other goodies at the fair, but Blogger's acting finicky this morn, so I'll leave it at cakes for today.
   The Brown Sugar Caramel Cake recipe that made its way into the Louisville paper looks astonishingly decadent, and one thing's sure, that recipe does not look like a piece of cake to make! I'm thinking a chocolate cake with salt sprinkled on top is in my near future. Anything baking at your place today?
   Thanks, Rhonda, at down-to-earth, for this photo sharing concept. Please feel free to share a link and let us all in on what's on your mind.


  1. Oh man. Now I want cake for breakfast!

  2. You are killing me. I am drooling all over the front of my The recipe certainly looks labor intensive. I don't have those ingredients on hand. It would be so much easier if you baked it and I drove a gillion miles to taste it after you invited me for dessert.

  3. I am so making that cake! I love a challenge! Oh and such a tasty reward! Our small county fair no longer has baked good seems to be all about the sad.

  4. I can't take it, I need cake....NOW!

    I should be making Zucchini bread today, hopefully it will actually happen.

  5. I'm too lazy to make it! so Niki and Practical, looks like we'll have to go over to Lynda's to try some and then stop by Sherri's for some zucchini bread on the way home! ;)

  6. I would have been walking around with a spoon!!

  7. I love show cakes. Thank you so much for sharing these photos. There are some great cooks in your area.

  8. It recently occurred to me that making cakes is not that hard, so I'm trying to do it more often - starting this weekend! It's my husband's birthday, so I'll be making his favorite German chocolate cake on Sunday. Should be fun, assuming everything goes well. :)

  9. I love the fair! Our county is without a cooler for the cakes so very few are entered because they look so poor when the public gets to view them.

    I am so impressed with all these cakes, I would love that our county would find a way~~ perhaps a challenge for me!!
    Thanks for sharing what is on your mind!


  10. The cakes are lovely and wonderfully displayed. Such a waste though of baking and ingredients because the cakes are too stale to eat after the fair. Chicken food perhaps?

  11. I think I just gained 15 pounds looking at all those cakes! I'd be inspired to bake if it weren't so hot right now. :)
    I love going to the fair and seeing everything. Makes me feel like a kid. LOL!

  12. I'm of the same thought as Denise... just looking has whacked on a few kilos. Oh my goodness, glass cabinets full to the brim with decadence - yum :D)

  13. Wow these cakes look delicious, I can almost taste them. There is no way in the world I could back like that. TFS - popped over from Down To Earth.

  14. Oh! My. Goodness!!!! All I can say is better you than me to go to that fair. I would have to enter into "cake rehab" lol, if there was such a thing. I have a notorious sweet tooth and this is not helping one bit....... wow, those cakes look yummy!

  15. Wow, so many cakes, and don't they look delicious! Nothing Baking at my place yet but after looking at these cakes, I'd better get my bottom up of this chair and head to the Kitchen!!

  16. Hi popped over from D2E. Those cakes certainly look very decadent! MMMM time for a coffee and I'll have to settle for a slice of my lemon and coconut cake :) I would loved to have gone to that fair! Thanks for sharing your photos :) Regards, Ruth @

  17. Goddess, it is 7.10pm in the evening here in Australia, and these cakes are making me SALIVATE!

    Gorgeous blog.

    Thank you for popping by Diminishing Lucy: 31 Days to Build a Better Blog - A Giveaway!


  18. Oh wow, that last one is calling to me for sure!


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