Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dorie Greenspan's Chewy Chunky Blondies would be off limits if I were only eating local

Dorie Greenspan's Chewy Chunky Brownies (note: after making the jump, scroll down) from her book Baking: From My Home to Yours...gooood stuff! Made these on cheat day. I knew they'd be really good, being a Dorie Greenspan recipe, but because they have coconut in them, I knew I would be able to resist them on non-cheat days.
If we sourced ALL our foods close to home in order to lower our carbon footprint, that would totally knock out some of the sweets we know and love. These brownies, for instance, contain chocolate and coconut...not the kinda stuff growing on trees here in western Kentucky!
THIS is how I ate one of Dorie's brownies on cheat day. I like coconut in only a handful of desserts, but it suited me fine in these brownies when topped with ice cream and drenched in dulce de leche. (Hubby likes coconut in anything, so he's a fan of the brownies as is.)
Hubby found a ripe persimmon for me...my first!!
   Ever since reading "Grow $700 of Food in 100 Square Feet" in Mother Earth News, I've been goaling toward replacing our lawn with edible landscaping. Hubby, who loves his riding lawn mower, is not on board with this idea. As you may know, my evil plan is to steal tiny bites of the lawn each year...y'know, encroach on his territory so slowly that he won't notice! ;)
    Okay, okay, time to come clean: Hubby's biggest complaint is...I plant more than I weed. Meaning, as we convert lawn to garden, he's stuck with more upkeep than the same sized patch of lawn would require. Mea culpa!! (Sue, of Sue's Garden Journal, has given me the key to overcome my lazy procrastinating: git 'er done early! Working on that!)
   While I continue to work on me and my laziness, I'll continue working on changing Hubby's mindset toward lawn vs. edible landscaping.
   Luckily, he's already on board with planting more trees. Six of our fruit trees planted in the last couple of years look like they're gonna make it. Yea! And now that I know I like the fruits, I'll be looking for a persimmon tree to add to the count, especially because the persimmon is native to Kentucky. All kinda reasons for going native; for one, native species need less water. Gotta love that!
   More sources on edible landscaping:
   Anyone else trying to add more native plants/shrubs/trees to their landscapes? 
   Think a locally-sourced fruit brownie could EVER make us forget a chocolate brownie or a blondie with choc chips?? (oh, the very idea!)


  1. If it were fruit instead of chocoolate, it would not be "brown-ie" I would be "yellowie." I think that is blasphemous...lol.

    Many of the plants that we consider native were brought here from abroad several hundred years ago. Yet we think of them as native.

  2. I love your idea of stealing "little bites" of lawn every year. I'm slowly doing that myself. My ex's aunt has the most wonderful yard--they have tons of trees/shrubs. And every year, bit by bit, she "stole" some of the yard. Now, though it's over an acre, the only grass is a 3 foot wide path through all the flower beds. She's amazing. I got rid of the ex---I kept her-LOL! She's a gem. And so are you! Keep us well-posted on the "expansion".

  3. Me again! This is for Practical Parsimony--I've tried to look at your site MANY times and it always makes my computer freeze up. Have others had that problem?????

  4. Those look divine! We don't have much landscaping to speak of, edible or otherwise, but since moving to Guam I have definitely added some new edibles to my diet. Coconuts do grow on trees here, of course, so I have been cooking with them a lot, drinking the water, using the sugar and flour in my baking. It's good stuff!

  5. Sue, no one has ever told me that about my blog. Keep trying...lol. But, when I look at this blog, the comments overlap the regular items on the site. My comment, first in these comments, is overlayed onto other text. Dmarie, I wonder why.

  6. Yes, planting natives makes for an easy-care garden. I've been doing that for a lot of years. Our native birds love the nectar and, as you mentioned, there's not as much watering needed.
    Oh my goodness, those blondies look totally delicious! The way you eat them would be my way too :D)


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