Saturday, October 1, 2011

The golden moment when baby makes three

When DD married a couple of years ago, SIL brought us two beautiful grandgirls in the bargain. They quickly found a place in our hearts, and life was good. Well, now it's even better! I'm proud to announce the arrival of Grandgirl3, our first grandbaby!
   At the hospital anxiously awaiting the birth, I was wearing more bling than usual. To honor the generations before that led up to the golden moment when our grandbaby should arrive, I wore on my chain my mother's wedding band, her mother's wedding band and her mother's mother's wedding band. And I had my paternal grandmother's diamond on my ring finger.
   DD went back to work a couple of days ago...soo hard for her. As she'd been coming by several days a week for lunch during her maternity leave, we'll miss that extra time hanging out with her. But DD going back to work means "Grammy" and "Granddaddy" will have more opportunities to visit with the little one by ourselves as we wish. Gotta love that!
   As our grandgirls don't live with DD and SIL full time, I don't put pics of the girls' faces on this blog. For that reason, I'll also not picture our sweet little grandbaby's beautiful face. You'll just have to take my word for it that I have the cutest little grandbaby EVER! ;)


  1. ..and I totally believe it!;)
    congratulations to the sweetest grandbaby;)

  2. Many congratulations on the birth of your lovely new Grand Daughter!

    As the Grandmother of a gorgeous 11 week old little girl, I think we will probably have the two most beautiful babies in the world!!

  3. Many congratulations on the birth of your lovely new Grand Daughter!

    As the Grandmother of a gorgeous 11 week old little girl, I think we will probably have the two most beautiful babies in the world!!

  4. Congrats on the new addition. Grandbabies are wonderful!

  5. Oh, I somehow missed this one until now. What exciting news! Many congratulations to you! :)


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