Sunday, September 18, 2011

Flopped pizza dough made a fine focaccia!

Thought I'd share the rest of the story about the other half of my pizza dough from the other day. First half didn't raise much, so I ended up with a thin crust pizza, which tasted great btw. Left second half of the dough out to see if it would raise if given more time, and guess what? I FORGOT it!! By that evening the dough was only slightly raised and somewhat crusty on top. Having nothing to lose, I went ahead and patted it into a pan and poked holes in it for focaccia. It worked!! (Usually sprinkle focaccia with oregano, but I ran out last week and haven't had the chance to replace it.) 
Sweet Potato Harvest 2011. Hubby says there are about 40 more potatoes out there waiting to be dug!
Hope to get in some camping this week! Anything fun on your agenda??


  1. I love foccacia! What variety of sweet potatoes are those? They look great.

  2. hi
    your focaccia looks sooooooooooooo
    good! great harvest of sweet potato
    have a nice week,

  3. hmhh:) the focaccia looks great!;)..and so much sweet love them!

  4. Mmm. That focaccia sure looks yummy. It's great that good things can come from failed pizza dough.

    I struggled for months trying to make pizza dough, and it never rose. Then I found out the water had to be at a certain temperature and my life has been forever changed in the pizza department. :)

  5. You had a really great sweet potato harvest! I've never tried them-I'm pretty sure I don't have enough warmth up here. But oh, I do love to eat them.

  6. That focaccia looks lovely! Don't you love how things like that just work out sometimes?

    We'd hoped to get in another camping trip or two, but my surgery is now scheduled for this Tuesday, and it's a two month recuperation period, so I guess we're out for the rest of the year. Bummer. Oh well, hopefully with my surgery I'll be able to enjoy myself more in the future!

  7. LOvely sweet potatoes! I would like to try and grow them.

  8. Sweet potato favourite. Looks like a great harvest. Maa


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