Monday, September 19, 2011

Mending my Amish bread recipe and my belt; Pioneer village

Amish Friendship Bread. This is my second baking; first recipe didn't have enough sugar in it to suit Hubby. This recipe is still not as moist as the one I used years ago...and lost along the way. I'll keep tweaking the recipe 'til it's the yummiest ever! Any advice??
Some stitching on one of my belts came out; for $10 bucks, it was good as new. Took it to a joint in town called Raine's Shoe Hospital. ALWAYS leave that place with a smile on my face, because the owner/operator always has a smile on his face. Somewhat of a cobbler philosopher, he says things like, "My daddy always told me that life's only hard if you take it hard."
Why NOT use every last bit?
It's paid for and what's fun about spending money on toothpaste!!
Met DD and the grandgirls at a local park on Saturday to check out a free event at its pioneer village. This re-creationist found her milk strainer at Goodwill. She said no one there knew what it was. Well, I didn't know what it was either. Does milk fresh from a cow have to be strained???
Couldn't get the grandgirls to try out this yoke, but this little fella was game!
   As camping days ARE cheat days, I'm hoping to be sitting around a fire roasting marshmallows sometime soon. Raining, raining for now. Wish me luck! Whassup in your neck of the woods?


  1. The cobblers at the two shoe shops in town save my leather items, shoes and purses, making them last longer. It cost a whopping $6 to restitch the strap around the back of my sandals, making me smile, also.

  2. I don't know if my Amish Friendship Bread recipe is the same as yours or not, but you could compare and see if mine looks different, and if so...whether it looks more or less moist than yours. If you go to my blog (it's still up) and use the Blogger search bar, you'll find it and all the variations I came up with.

  3. I should make my kids carry around big pails of water!

  4. I just had a look at the recipe and read the reviews. One said she omitted the starter and found that the bread was moist when leaving it out. Interesting. It looks nice though. Maa

  5. I might be getting the kids carting water soon! I can just hear the moans when I show them the photo...

  6. Your Daddy very smart man. I love these pioneer villages. A hard life we get to enjoy but not live. Perfect. The breadd looks delicious. B

  7. I wish we had a cobbler in town.

    Although we do live near a very large Amish community I bet there is one somewhere around.

  8. Thanks for the comments...*grin*! can't wait to catch up with what's goin' on over at your places! And Annie, thanks, I will check out your recipe...if it doesn't work, I may have to follow Maa's suggestion! ;)


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