Friday, September 23, 2011

Teeny twist on tiny houses: a tipi!

Despite the fact that it rained on us now and again, we had a great time camping at Land Between the Lakes. More specifically, at Hillman Ferry Campground on Kentucky Lake. Definitely a fabuloso, unplugged time, and I hope to share some pics soon.
   Meanwhile, hope you like the video. Could YOU live in a tiny house...or tipi??
P.S. The latest copy of Mother Earth News magazine was in my mailbox today. Yea! Love that magazine! They have a homesteading blog some of you might enjoy checking out! It's where I found the tipi video, btw. If interested, see The Happy Homesteader. (Gotta's margarita/movie night!)


  1. I have never seen the inside of a tipi. I have questions? One small bed? Was your husband there? Did all the bookcases come with the tipi or did you bring those? Dog and horse supplies? You took a dog and horse? ALL those books? You took that many? Did your carpet come with the accommodations? Did you cook in the fire in the middle of the tipi? Keep the horses out? What about bears? Lions? Tigers? Wooly Mammoths? Ants? Mosquitoes?

    I like the moat and platform your "home" was on. I am not a camper, but I am fascinated. How many nights did you stay?

    Maybe this is too many questions? I am going to get ice cream.

  2. Humm, not exactly what I expected when I looked in the teepee.

  3. I'm glad to hear you've had some great unplugged time, and Margarita/movie night sounds fantastic, too!

    As for tiny houses, I'm not sure I could go as tiny as a tipi. I grew up in an 800 square foot house with three siblings, my parents, and many many pets. That was workable, but a tipi ... hmmm :) That's definitely the ultimate in minimalism!

  4. hey, Practical, that's not my tipi...came across the video on that homesteading blog on Mother Earth News. For us, a tiny pop-up turns the trick when it comes to camping. takes just a couple of minutes to set up!
    @Becky, I thought the same!
    @Melissa, agreed! looked like a nice place to visit but wouldn't want to live there. ;)


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