Saturday, September 24, 2011

On my soap box for everyday wine

First tipped off to the drinkability of Bota Box wines by Wine Spectator a few years back. We ditch the box and toss the bag in the cooler when we go camping. Nothing could be simpler. (Of course, my scale stays at home!)
Trust me, this stuff is not the Kool-aid sweet wines that used to be all you could get in a box. Last year we enjoyed Bota's Merlot. (Sorry, I forget which year.) Their Merlot isn't as good recently and neither is the Shiraz (at least what's available around here), so we tried their Pinot Grigio. Success! *Lucky for me, Hubby won't let the flops go to waste.*
   Unlike an open bottle, boxed wine doesn't get air, so it won't age once opened. As we don't polish off a whole bottle in an evening this stuff saves us money. Granted, we don't drink enough to save loads of money, but still...
   Also, the bag of wine is lighter for travel than a bottle would be, which makes it perfect for when we're hauling in everything when we're camping. So, is admitting I like some boxed wines even more shameful than the fact that I like Gorton's Tilapia? ;)


  1. Not shameful at all. I'v never tried it but it's good to know what's out there.

  2. eat Gorton's Tilapia! Shame shame shame. And, I actually like Treet, the Spam-like food. There, I confessed. But, I never buy it. Okay, maybe once every five years.

    I have made note of this wine so that when I ever buy wine, I will know what to buy. How does boxed wine keep air from getting in better than a bottle? I consume wine about as often as I do Treet.

  3. I don't know if you've been paying attention or not, but I adore my big box of wine. Couldn't live without it!

  4. I wish I could figure out how to get my wine in those things. I could dispense with bottling except for gifts! My confession is a bottle of wine doesn't last long enough to go bad!

  5. We enjoy boxed wines too. :) And if hubby could get his homemade wine into those bags that would be awesome!
    Curious: Why do you weigh your wine?

  6. @El, let me know what you think if you do!
    @Practical, in our first apartment as teens, my brother and I used to pour barbecue sauce over sliced spam and bake it!
    @Mark, as I'm fairly new to your site, I didn't know that...can't wait to search your blog to see what you'd recommend!
    @Mary, the same could be said of us a few years back when we first got into drinking wine again! :-D

  7. @Trish, our balloon glasses are SO BIG that it's hard to judge a serving. Too much wine in the glass means the wine gets too warm to suit me before I've polished off the glass! ;)

  8. Makes perfect sense! :)My husband always pours me too much. I had to resort to smaller glasses! lol

  9. Thank you so much for the out of the box of wine idea!


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