Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lookin' for adventure at Land Between the Lakes

Marshmallows anyone?
What a dump! Airing linens after a night of pouring rain jacked up the humidity inside the camper.
Can you say "WORTH IT"? In my book, camping's good definitely outweighs the bad!
Let there be lunch!
Oh, yes, I DID shower under an open sky each night while camping at Hillman Ferry Campground on Kentucky Lake. Incredibly, these showers seemed cleaner than most parks', seems they use a pressure washer to hose them down!
LBL's The Homeplace is a dogtrot-style log cabin.
Definitely jonesing for that spider dutch oven!
That's what I was up to for the better part of last week. Now I hope to get caught up on what everyone else has been up to! Did I miss anything wicked or wild??


  1. I agree that camping's benefits are worth it's drawbacks. I've also noticed how our opinion of it has changed over time. We started out in a tent and scoffed at those who had campers for not "roughing it". Now we have a pull-behind trailer...LOL!

    And yes, I would easily use those showers. They do look cleaner than some of the enclosed structures.

  2. Annie, our tastes are morphing too. Tho' we bought our tiny pop-up just a couple of years back to pull behind the motorcycle, lately I'm wishing we had a trailer. so we could camp better in all weather. so I wouldn't get all 'fraidy cat when walking in the dark of night to el baƱo. ;)

  3. Oh, how fun! Totally jealous!! I would shower in those in a heartbeat; I've seen some pretty icky ones before.

    We're still die-hard tent campers, but we never say never!

  4. lovely pictures and it looks like a great experience! ;)

  5. We need to go camping again. We haven't been in a long time.

  6. I can't get over the kitchen--I love it so. So simple, but yet they could whip up meals to satisfy the biggest appetites. Is that a painted floor or oilcloth?

  7. What a lovely time you have had by the looks of it!

  8. It's funny when I first saw that shower I thought, "No way", but as I sit here thinking about it they are really clean and nice. Yes way!

    Looks like so much fun!

  9. Ah lovely. Always good with the bad when camping - it's the 'making-do' that is fun.
    Loved your photos :D)

  10. Ah, this gives me a hankering to do some camping myself. I hope you had at least so nice a time as the photos suggest!

  11. I have a trailer and love it. We can store all the kitchen stuff inside so packing is just mainly food and beverages. It is handy to have a sink too so you can wash up in private or wash dishes if its pouring the rain.

    I'm hoping the rain gets through here so I can go this week.

  12. You know I just love that photo with the bike and the lake. I'm only pissed that I didn't take it.


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