Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kentucky State Fair award-winning handicrafts

Had great fun capturing this gal licking her lips over this sweet little Best of Show dollhouse!
Okay, here's another of my "finally got around to its"...almost forgot to share some of the handicrafts we saw at the Kentucky State Fair. These were just too brilliant to keep to myself!
Dunno if double clicking will enlarge this sufficiently for you to see, but this quilt was an AMAZING piece of work!
In his retirement, my dad has taken up woodcrafting. Who'd have thought a folk artist was living inside him all those years? These canes remind me of some of Dad's creations.
I am crazy over hooked rugs. Found this one every bit as impressive as the rug that won at the Ohio State Fair.
Had fun capturing this gal too. We shared our awe of the HOURS that must have gone into the making of all the quilts at the Kentucky State Fair!!
   Working on a "something new" today...hope to make my first ever batch of yogurt. The 42 ounces of whole milk and 6 ounces of plain yogurt (the starter) are sitting out on the counter now, as they must be at room temp before I can get on with the yogurt making. Wish me luck!
   Anything new happenin' over at your place today? If you have any pics of handicrafts you'd like to share, please feel free to leave a link in your comment. 
   P.S.: Here in western Kentucky, we've gone from temps just a couple of days ago that hovered around a sweltering 100F to cool, breezy 70 degree temps for the daily highs. What is with that?!!


  1. The cool down must be a huge relief for you.....your temps in the south have been terrible this year.

    Love the dollhouse. There are some amazingly talented people out there. Sorry-I lack any sort of a "crafters" gene. But I sure admire other's creativity!

  2. First, good luck with the yogurt!

    The quilt looked amazing! What a fun event to attend and see all the beautiful things creative people can make.

    Not much creativity going on at La Casa right now :-(

    Take care,

  3. I love quilts! Sadly, the only ones that I can afford(or want to afford) are machine made. Maybe one day, when I'm rich, I'll buy a "real" one. But in the meantime, I'll just have to admire them from afar.

  4. Those items were amazing. I am in the early stages of a tiny crocheted doll blanket for a grandchild--not much to see.

  5. I made yogurt about a month ago, but it didn't turn out so well. I have to get a new thermometer, mine broke, so yogurt making by "feels like the right temp" does not work so well.

    Love the quilts they are gorgeous.

  6. What amazingly talented people. It is so wonderful to see that these crafts haven't been lost.
    Can't wait to see how your yoghurt turns out. Delicious I am guessing.

  7. Wow, what a nice fair and how many beautiful is amazing how creative people are!

  8. Those quilts are incredible. I've always been amazed at the amount of detail, patience and care that goes into their making. Quilters have my utmost respect!

    For new I'm fermenting some kale. Not looking too good, but I'm hoping looks are decieving.....

  9. My dad was a woodworker, too. He died this last July and I'm glad to have so many of creations.

    Hey, we lived in Louisville, KY back in the late 70s. I have a soft spot for that part of the country.


  10. I love fairs and enjoying all the projects that people have entered. Thanks so much for sharing such lovely inspiring photos.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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