Friday, September 9, 2011

On my mind: Family recipes, yard sales and homemade yogurt

Reading a book about stories of family recipes reminded me that I have a cookbook compiled by folks on my dad's side. Seemed the perfect time to recreate my beloved Aunt K's yummy eggplant casserole. Full of buttery goodness (recipe below), this casserole takes me back to the Thanksgiving spent at my aunt and uncle's...the one where someone passing the roll basket let the napkin under the rolls get a bit too close to the candle. My uncle doused the flames with his beer!
This Taste of Home recipe for Yeast Corn Bread Loaf makes a lovely textured loaf that tastes like cornbread but with a soft-bread bite.
This is my "Doing vs. Should Be Doing" pic. Here's me making a pie, instead of dealing with the tomatoes. But since I needed to bake bread, might as well get another use out of the stand mixer bowl before washing, eh? (Ended up making tomato juice to use up the tomatoes.) Incidentally, these tea towels were once a charity sale-bought tablecloth. The tablecloth had a stain but seemed the perfect weight for towels, so I bought it and the mumsy sewed it into four towels for me.
Gotta love it when a plan comes together.
Yesterday, Mom and I hit a yard sale at a senior citizens' housing tower. Mostly a bunch of junk but I found something I'd been putting off buying retail!
I've been wanting more canisters! By the time I took this pic, I'd already emptied the flour into the compost bin. As it's of unknown origins, can't bring myself to eat the sugar either, so I'll use it to make a sugar body scrub. Please let me know if you have a tried and true recipe that seems better than the one I just found!
By jove, I think I've got own homemade yogurt! Love, love, LOVE my new yogurt maker! (Just 42 ounces of room temperature organic whole milk mixed thoroughly with 6 ounces of room temperature plain whole milk cooking involved for the thickness suitable for smoothies!)
Hubby teased that the yogurt probably just had a skim on top and was watery underneath, but this stuff is THICK! Perfect for my morning smoothies! (Made my smoothie in a jar using the immersion blender this morn.) I'd been paying $3.50 per 32 ounce container of Stonyfield Farms plain organic yogurt, and I use around 6 ounces every day. Though I did manage to get free magazine subscriptions to Organic Gardening and Martha Stewart Living with the Stonyfield reward points, seems more cost effective to make my own yogurt, buying the stuff only as needed to jumpstart my own.
Aunt K's Eggplant Casserole (my version)
1 medium to large eggplant, sliced and pan-roasted 'til cooked through
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese--divided
4 eggs, beaten
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon Lawry's Seasoned Salt
1 sleeve of Ritz crackers, crushed--divided
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, melted--divided
Starting with the eggplant and ending with the mixture, layer cooked eggplant with the egg/milk/cheese/cracker mixture in the baking dish. Top with 1/2 cup of crumbs tossed with a couple of tablespoons of the melted butter. Then sprinkle top of casserole with 1/2 cup of the shredded cheese. Bake in a covered casserole at 350F for 30 minutes.

   I think I'll bake a cake today so something fresh will be on the table for tomorrow's cheat day! I'm thinking chocolate. ?? Maybe I'll head over to Foodgawker to get some ideas. What kind of cake sounds good to you today?

   Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. What's on your mind today? Share your link here or on down-to-earth. 


  1. Can't wait to try the yeast cornbread recipe!

    Also, will you post (or have you already) your yogurt recipe? The one I use gives me very inconsistent results.

  2. I used to make yogurt when I was a kid and lived in the country. It was an exotic item I couldn't find! (I'm dating myself I know)

    I think I might need to invest in a maker.

  3. Looks like you've had a busy day. I must try your casserole.
    Love from Mum

  4. Yum to all of it!

    So the canisters at the yard sale actually still had ingredients in them? That is too funny.

    I baked a German chocolate cake two weeks ago. The frosting turned out OK, but the cake from scratch, not so much. I think next year I'll buy the cheater box cake and just home make the frosting.

  5. Love the canisters--I'm always on the lookout for glass ones--that and some BIG glass jars. It's getting harder and harder to find them.

  6. i'm a sucker/collector for any glass jar with a lid...I search the T.S. and buy them there..I wanted to introduce you to a wonderful and fun blog called Chickens in the Road..she lives on a farm in W.V. and makes her own is one for brown sugar scrub..i don't think your body would care if the sugar is brown or white..LOL

    Peace & Love

  7. I love the canisters - they are hard to find here. Good job with the yogurt. Have a great weekend.

  8. Wow am so inspired now! I will definitely try the casserole and the canisters are so lovely.


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