Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ten on Ten: Around and about on September 10

Thanks to A Bit of Sunshine for this Ten on Ten Photo Project. This September 10, 2011, I will attempt to capture some element of our lives at the top of every hour. I will add photos throughout the day...might need to refresh the page if you visit again to see all ten photos.
Six O'Clockish: My first view of the day, taken out the master bathroom window. See me?
Seven O'Clock-ish: After having drunk my banana breakfast smoothie and read the morning paper, it's time to "put on my face." Back in the master bath, I notice this plant might need water.
Eight O'Clockish: Came out back to let the dog out of her pen for the day. Love it that the wisteria is still in bloom. I'm on the computer now...looking forward to checking out any comments left on yesterday's post.
Nine O'Clock-ish: Time to stir my Amish Friendship Bread starter. Found the recipe in a library book I'm reading: The Amish cook: Recollections and Recipes from an Old Order Amish Family.
Ten O'Clock-ish: Okay, I confess to taking this pic just 'cause I like taking pictures of food! Made my Aunt S's Chocolate Raspberry Brownies--a recipe out of the family cookbook--for the first time yesterday. Essentially just a brownie with layers of raspberry jam and chocolate glaze spread on top. Hope I can make myself wait 'til lunch to eat this!
Eleven O'Clock-ish: I almost let eleven slide by without taking a photo. Here's our first pumpkin from garden 2011!
Twelve O'Clock-ish: DD came over for lunch. (Hubby's in town.) Thought it funny that the two phones were on the table. Mine's usually in the other room, but DD always has hers near to her. As it's cheat day, I'm finally having a slice of that Yeast Corn Bread Loaf. Will definitely be making that again! My favorite chicken salad's on the bread: add 1 cup Miracle Whip, 1/2 cup Marzetti Slaw Dressing and roasted pecans to 2-3 cups leftover chicken. Yum!
One O'Clock-ish: See, I haven't killed the new plants yet...these at least. The ones planted in the dirt haven't fared quite so well. About this front yard view: just out of the frame is a neighbor's new garage going up across the street. Our backyard view is pretty much the same in that it looks very rural straight out, but there's a neighbor's yard just out of the frame of the pic taken at six o'clock.
Three O'Clock-ish: Feels like I just sat down yet here it is time to take another pic! So, here's my view from the couch...always a ton of library books sitting around just waiting for me to get off the durned computer! ;)
Four O'Clock-ish: Mark's post on encroaching water over on Our Simple Lives has me thinking "preparedness" yet again. As DD does not have room to store much water at their place, I need to rethink the amount of water we keep on hand here. This pic was taken out in the attached garage. Though I see it all the time, this is the first time in a long time that I've actually noticed this old tabletop. Always meant to do something with it! Wish everyone a safe and happy 10 on 10!!
   Please feel free to leave a link to your own Ten on Ten...or to whatever else you'd care to share!


  1. What a lovely idea..curious to see more:)!! (I love the view from your bathroom!!)

  2. I love Amish Friendship bread. I haven't had any in a while so it might be time to start a new batch.

  3. Hubby and I always "meet" for a treat around 10-ish. Your brownie looks good and gooey!

  4. I must say that I love that view outside your window. Mine looks into my 70 year old neighbors bedroom. It's not always a pleasant view.

  5. Nice place and space you have there (read full of envy) ;).

  6. What a cool idea. I'll definitely have to think about doing it too :-)

  7. Love your 10 today. That brownie looks AMAZING!!

  8. What a lovely idea! I think it would make me think more and appreciate my day a bit more if i saw it in snippets like this. I love the view from your front yard. Those steps looks like the perfect spot for a cup of tea, some yummy treat, fluffy slippers and day-dreaming.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Food pictures are fun. I was a foodie this month, too. I'm totally feelin the comfort food thing right now. Loved your perspective of your front yard and your flowers. I had the opposite issue. My dirt flowers did well, my potted flowers lasted only 3 whole months (um I forgot to fertilize. call me a rookie)

    anyway great 10 on ten!

  10. I love this idea and your pictures.

  11. Love the book shot! Amish friendship bread is soooo good. Reminds me of my childhood, my mom made it a lot.

  12. These are great! Thanks for sharing.
    We LOVE Amish friendship bread at our house. Is it the kind you make with pudding? Our favorites are made with lemon or butterschotch pudding. Enjoy!
    Hope you'll stop by my blog to see my Ten on Ten! :)

  13. Okay, that chocolate raspberry brownie looks so delicious! And I'm starving ;)

  14. Love how you added throughout the day. Great idea!

  15. Love the 10 at 10 concept - so nice to see pictures of your day. Love the view from your yard.

  16. These posts are always such a fun little peek into your world. It looks like you had a good bit of time outdoors. That with chocolate makes for my kind of day ;)

  17. What a beautiful view.....and the brownies are making me hungry!

  18. LOVE amish friendship bread! Looks like you had a great day!

  19. Fun to see the different glimpses of your day. That brownie sure looks good.

  20. Chocolate, Miracle Whip, pumpkin, books, flowers, and wisteria...perfect!

  21. Lovely set! Very cool self reflection in the first pic.

  22. Great peek into your day. That reminds me - I have some Friendship Bread starter "holding" in the fridge....time to go get it started again - yum. Love your stack of books - and the adorable chairs they sit upon.

  23. Looks like a lovely day. I had a friend try to give me some Amish Friendship Bread but I declined because it's the gift that never stops giving ;)


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