Thursday, September 15, 2011

On my mind: Doing vs. wish I were doing

Wish I were out bike riding, like this quintessential bike guy I captured a shot of the day we were coming home from the fair and our trip to Ohio. 
Making pizza is what I've been doing instead. Cool enough inside the house that my pizza dough didn't rise, so it ended up being a thin crust pizza. Forgot to buy any mozzarella, so I used Asiago and Parmesan cheeses instead.
This is what I wished I were eating at lunch. Mushrooms, red onions and pepperoni on three quarters of the pizza; plain pepperoni (for DD) on the rest. Olive oil drizzled on top.
   Tomato, cottage cheese and watermelon are what I ended up eating instead.  Hubby and DD must've liked the crust...only two pieces left. Cheat day is Saturday--can't wait!
   I'll go see now if the other half of that pizza dough has risen. Hope so, I'd like to try making some hot dog buns out of it. Guess the bike riding will have to wait for another gorgeous, breezy day. What's your doing vs. wish you were doing?
   Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. What's on your mind today? Share your link here or on down-to-earth. 


  1. Doing-resting up from pulling up dead plants all day.
    Wish I was doing?-hking on a trail in Oregon...September used to be travel month. Now with a grandson, I stay home so I can afford to fly him up for a visit. Fair exchange!

    The pizza looks scrumptious. The tomatoes and cottage cheese? Diet-ish. So what's on the menu for cheat day????

  2. @Sue, hopefully a couple of slices of pizza...and I really, really hope to get a cake made. And yes, that does seem a fair exchange!

  3. oh, as for "diet-ish"...just trying to eat fewer "fast carbs," like white breads. LOVE garden tomatoes & cottage cheese, so I didn't feel deprived...just delayed by a few days. ;)

  4. The pizzas all look delicious, but it would be hard to beat that bike ride. I love your blog and I will definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary.

  5. I'd like I slice of that, please. I should try making pizza at home. It's just that New York has a lot of really good places, I kind of like Trader Joe's frozen marguerita pizza.

    Found your blog through the TJ site and so glad I did!

  6. I do enjoy thin crust pizza! Paul at is a keen bike rider. I often see him riding his bike when I go and drop my daughter off at school.

  7. I'm doing, insurance claim work in NJ from hurricane Irene.

    I wish I was at home in GA with my wife and 12 week old baby.

  8. I'm doing someone else's work at WORK! Hate that! Wish I were beside a large body of water eating that pizza you made. It looks very very yummy!

  9. Love the pic of the bike dude, nice shot. Love the pizza now I am hungry. :) B


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