Friday, September 16, 2011

This moment: A red sky, blue muffins kinda mornin'

Whoppin' Big Wild Blueberry Muffins with streusel topping AND icing. Breakfast anyone? I had a banana peach smoothie myself, but no worries, I'll be having a blueberry muffin maƱana! My recipe was found in Martha Stewart Living Annual Recipes 2003, but here it is online. (I used wild blueberries for the fruit; regular all purpose flour, and 1 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon in the batter. Glaze: 1 cup powdered sugar mixed with 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice. Recipe makes 12 regular or 6 whoppin' big muffins.)
Thought it was "Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning!"?
So far so good's GORGEOUS here in western Kentucky!
Thanks to Soulemama for this Friday photo sharing concept. Would love for you to leave a link to your moment!


  1. I'm sitting here reading your blog at 6am and now starting feel like eating a blueberry muffin for breakfast! Wild blueberries - is that common where you live? The only blueberries we have are grown in pots.

  2. The muffins look great--and I'd make the BIG ones--no little muffins for me! Streusel AND icing-oh yes!

  3. I love those kind of mornings!

    Here's my moment:

  4. A wonderful kind of morning.

  5. Those muffins are even more beautiful than your gorgeous sky! I thought I may make some pumpkin scones in the morning, but now I'm reevaluating. Yum! I hope the rest of your weekend is just as delicious as your Friday morning.

  6. I am so hungry and your sky picture is so lovely.

  7. @Linn, bought these blueberries frozen. we don't have a local source for wild either. :(
    @Sue, ate one this morn...soo yummy!
    @Kiasa, me too! thanks for leaving your link!
    @Mel, Melissa and Practical, thanks! :-D

  8. Those muffins look good--and I think that's the reddest sky I've ever seen! :)

    This Good Life


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