Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lazy cooking: Roasted Chicken; Treehugger's Backyard House

Oven Roasted Chicken. Oy vey, I forgot to take an "after" pic...until we'd demolished the bird! Seriously, we don't generally eat half a chicken at one sitting, but this one turned out too yummy to resist.
Back before Hubby retired and I stopped working, boneless/skinless chicken breasts were the order of the day. I seldom bought anything else, because I figured boneless/skinless was the quickest way to get dinner on the table when I finally got home at night. (Those were the days before I was turned on to the concept of eating like our ancestors did and started consuming poultry WITH the skin. Y'know, eating Real Foods.)
   Besides, now that I've switched to buying only humanely raised chickens, I can't bring myself to buy anything but the whole chickens, which are cheaper than buying parts. That's when I discovered roasted chicken, and OH, MY, they are soo easy...easy enough for a lazy, don't-feel-like-cooking day!!
Roasted Chicken before. Just took out that innards sack, stuffed the cavity with a microwaved bacon end, rubbed the thing with a chili lime seasoning, Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, and then sprinkled with a little bacon grease and Worcestershire sauce. For the last 10 minutes of its baking, I poured some salsa over the bird's top and dotted it with a couple of tablespoons of butter.
Made a quick taco soup to use up the last of the leftover chicken: Bush's Black Bean Fiesta, leftover navy beans, salsa,  powdered vegetable soup base and a little water. I got a boat load of Bush's beans at Target at closeout sale prices awhile back. Gonna really miss that stuff when I use 'em all up, 'cause they sure make for quickie soups.
   On another note, I want one of the Backyard Houses I saw over on Treehugger's site! Too cute!! Hope you're having a terrif weekend!!


  1. Love roasted chicken too but the rotisserie runs a close second and crock pot whole chicken is definitely the easiest.

  2. Since I don't eat anything but the breast, I don't buy anything else. Since I injured both hands, I am afraid to cut up a chicken. If I am given anything but boneless, skinless breasts, I have to take all the bones out before storing it because bones left in and refrigerated leave a funny taste that I don't like. Okay, lots of people don't like it.

    That said, I want a whole chicken to make dumplings. I was going to last week with just the thighs I gave away, but was too pushed for time.

    Your cooking looks so yummy. Right now, I am still working on potatoes and the roast left from Thursday. I've never put carrots in with chicken like you did. Looks delicious!

  3. @Becky, only recently got a crockpot big enough for a whole chicken--a hand me down from my dad. I'll have to experiment with this, but I'm sure you're right about how easy it will be!
    @Practical, those are sweet potatoes. I love doing carrots with roasted chicken as well, but we have tons of sweet potatoes to use up!

  4. Your cooking posts ALWAYS make my mouth water!

  5. I come to your blog to read and drool, lol. Your recipes always perk me up and make me happy even though i do leave hungry. Luvin your blog!


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