Friday, October 28, 2011

This Moment: Um, is that a chicken in my egg?

Since switching from regular eggs to Cage Free, Organic, Humane Certified, I've been finding occasional specks in my eggs. This one was the largest yet, which made me wonder... Hmnnn, I could Google it to find out what it might be, but I figure some things I'm better off NOT knowing, eh?!
Well, yeah, I ate it anyway! (After taking out the speck, of course.) I HATE wasting food, so if it's in my house and it's still edible, I'm eating it. And if I won't eat it, Hubby often will. When Hubby's not around, I'll fix me some egg salad, which he's not that crazy about. Tried these Wickles in it instead of chopped pickles--good stuff!
Thanks to Soulemama for this Friday photo sharing concept. Hope you'll share a link to your moment!


  1. You're definitely braver than me. I don't know if I could have ate the egg after that.

    I have been having anomaly eggs too. We've had three twin eggs (two yolks one shell) in the past month. Weird.

  2. Dmarie,
    That speck is something called "meat" in the egg. It is leftover from the yolk of the last egg the hen laid and was incorporated into this egg in the picture. It will not hurt you and there is nothing wrong with the egg. A PhD in poultry science told me so. .

    Double yolks! Wow. Thelma lays giant eggs, but none are double yolks. I keep hoping.

  3. Ummm.... I'm not sure about the last comment....

    Anyway, Like P.P said, it's the 'meat spot' and won't hurt you. You may also get specks of blood- that just means that it's a fertile egg- no problem. there either.
    But aren't those eggs SO much tastier than the store bought ones?
    And for Niki and P.Parsimony- I've got one hen (one of my Rhode Island Reds) who regularly lays double yolked eggs- we get maybe one a week from her. But the poor thing, those eggs are so huge I feel sorry for her.

  4. Looks like others beat me to's just a spot of blood or a speck of "protein" (aka meat). Nothing to worry about. Glad you didn't waste it. :)

  5. Full freezer, The blood spot has nothing to do with fertility. I thought so too, at first. My hens don't know what rooster is, never have been around one since they were young and the two rooster were, too, and not yet crowing. Yet, there are blood spots.

    I talked to a local egg producer because I got three with blook in one cartoon. He said his workers used shotguns to try to get rid of varmints. The loud noise can cause the blood. PhD said that the blood is just something that sometimes happens.

    Wait until Dmarie sees the spam!

  6. I have been wondering about those specks in my eggs too. Thanks PP! I was going to ask you but kept forgetting.
    They seem pretty common in most eggs we buy from a local farmer. Its either eat it or not eat eggs for us:)

  7. This is why I don't eat best they're chicken periods. At worst you risk eating a fetus. And, yes, I know I'm ridiculous.

  8. femmefrugality,
    No, you are not eating a fetus. The hens have never been fertilized. And, this is not a period. It is just the egg. Hens are different than we are. No, you are not foolish, just uninformed and Hens don't have estrus, the only way they could have a period. They are not periodic in their fertility. They are constant....poor things.

  9. Sometimes it is better not to google things...

  10. great discussion...good to know, you guys! even knowing what it is, I will probably still pick those little specks out before eating! ;) (now, if you'll excuse me I'll go delete that spam comment!)


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