Friday, October 7, 2011

This moment: Bridge walk; Curried chicken salad

Glover H. Cary Bridge opened to foot traffic for first time in 71 years last Friday. An estimated 12,000 people took advantage of the opportunity. It was such fun to walk from Kentucky to Indiana over the Ohio River! (In all, a 2 mile trek.) 
Oh, yes, we made sure Grandbaby got a piece of the action!
Curried Chicken Salad. Just two leftover chicken breasts, mayo, Marzetti Slaw Dressing, pecans, red grapes, 1 teaspoon curry powder, salt and pepper. Served here over what may be our last yellow tomato from this year's garden. 
   Can't seem to post without including food!! Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend!!
Thanks to Soulemama for this Friday photo sharing concept. Please feel free to share a link to your moment.


  1. That looks like quite the event! Glad you're getting some good grandbaby time in ;) Enjoy the weekend!

  2. I've switched to reading your blog AT NIGHT so I don't have to stare at all your yummy food at 3 am and starving!

    The bridge walk looks like fun. THey do that up here with the Mackinac bridge once a year. I've not made it there. Yet.

  3. What a fun way to walk 2 miles. And you get to walk to a whole different state?!! I want to go!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Ah, more food to make me drool! That really sounds good.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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