Sunday, October 9, 2011

No such thing as leftovers around here, by golly!

Eggplant Parmesan becomes Eggplant Pasta with the addition of penne, fresh tomatoes and red pepper flakes. Such slight changes are the equivalent of the "spoonful of sugar" that makes the leftovers go down for Hubby. Luckily, he will eat most anything without complaint, but he seems to feel a bit better about leftovers if they are transformed into something new.
Are you like of those people who can eat the same thing over and over and be perfectly fine with it? Or do you HATE leftovers?
Freezer love!
   Hubby doesn't actually hate them, and he's not one to complain. BUT he's not exactly enthusiastic in coming to the table when leftovers are on it. My mom claims to be able to eat the same thing over and over, but their refrigerator tells a different tale, cram-packed as it is with leftovers destined for the trash can. Oh, the waste!
   Around here, leftovers mostly morph into something else. Sometimes soups, which Hubby will eat the first day and I eat on daily until gone. What won't easily transform goes into the freezer, to be eaten anew another day.
   Okay, okay, I'm admittedly not perfect. Leftovers sometimes languish undetected behind something bigger and get tossed. *SIGH* But I'm better about staying on top of things than I used to be. Gotta love that! (Check out 10 Tips to Reduce Your Food Waste over on
    As Hubby has gone to the farm for the day, I get to eat some leftover soup. What'll it be at your place today: leftovers or original issue?
P.S. Tomorrow is Ten on Ten. Won't you join us??


  1. We're definitely a family who can eat the same thing over and over and be perfectly fine with it. In fact, we think many dishes (casseroles, soups, stews, etc.) taste even better the second time around.

    We had an "original issue" meal last night and I was sorry when we ate all of it and left no yummy seconds. Tonight we will have what was a scrumptious pork roast and gravy turned into pulled pork sandwiches on homemade buns. We're looking forward to it.

    Unrelated, but made me LOL...the word verification is "molerear". Is that relate to molasses? ;)

  2. I am always inspired by your waste-nothing ways! I could exactly the same meal every day for a week and be perfectly happy, but I have a hard time convincing the husband to eat leftovers. Maybe I just need to follow your lead and get more creative with them!

  3. I do not mind having a left over night every now and then...I simply present all of the leftovers and we have bites of everything...I am really getting better at making smaller amounts of that we do not have huge amounts of leftovers...your pasta looks amazing but I have some weird food issues that would make it difficult for me to eat it...all the stuff in it is touching other stuff!!!

    I can only eat food that does not touch another

  4. @Annie, I want in on that pulled pork!
    @Melissa, I think those of us who cook are more ok with leftovers than those who don't!
    @Patty, my DD is the same. not necessarily a bad thing, since she loves fresh ingredients. she'll eat a raw green pepper but none on her pizza!

  5. I can eat the same thing for a week, IF I like it to begin with. Some foods cannot touch each other on my plate. Other foods happily comingle. Of course, soup, casseroles, and sandwiches are an exception. EX: I don't want juice from my beans running into bread, slaw, etc.

  6. I am the same way with pizza...too silly...isn't it...I actually bought china plates that look like cafeteria trays...for certain leaky at myself...

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words about our bathroom and for visiting my blog...
    I do love yours and I am learning a lot from you...I am actually from Ohio...and I want to see that bridge you recently posted about...

    Not living there now, though...

  7. Love lef tovers as they always taste better the next day. Hubby loves them also but Mr Teen turns his nose up at them often grrr.

  8. Petal takes most of the leftovers with him on the road. Makes it easy to reheat and combine in one pan on his cooker. There's not very much wastage in this home either. First thing he does when he comes home is open the fridge and nose in there for any leftovers. Maa

  9. I like leftovers, but I don't usually have any. DH takes everything leftover in his lunch the next day.


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