Monday, October 10, 2011

Ten on Ten: OH, October!

Thanks, A Bit of Sunshine, for this Ten on Ten Photo Project. This October 10, 2011, I hope to capture some element of our lives at the top of every hour. Might need to refresh the page if you visit again to see all ten photos.
Six O'Clock-ish: My breakfast smoothie misses its banana, but the immersion blender was dirty. Hubby brought me a perfectly ripe persimmon home from the farm. Yummy!
Seven O'Clock-ish: Resistance is futile! There's no real way to protect the precious pecans on this tree at the back of our yard from predatory squirrels, but Hubby hopes to slow them down by wrapping the trunk in aluminum and trapping them to release elsewhere. Sadly, nothing will stop them from jumping to the tree from atop the neighbor's fence or our compost bin. *sigh*  
Eight O'Clock-ish: Today's the day that Hubby will start our front door makeover. (Yea!) While he's at refinishing the door, I've convinced him to replace this hardware, because I find lever door handles soo much easier to open when my hands are full...say, with the Grandbaby!
Nine O'Clock-ish: Almost always change the bed linens on Mondays; helps me to remember when they were last changed. Chose Mondays as the designated day each week due to Laura Ingall's Ma! Y'know: "Wash on Monday, Iron on Tuesday, Mend on Wednesday, Churn on Thursday, Clean on Friday, Bake on Saturday, Rest on Sunday."
Ten O'Clock-ish: Oh, yes, I DID just burn my finger while pulling these Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops out of the oven a few minutes ago. As they are from a recipe in Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours, I've a feeling they'll be worth it!
Eleven O'Clock-ish: I know, I know, it's not cheat day, but I just HAD to try these bad boys. Just ate a half but the other half is calling me still, because oh, my, YES, Dorie's Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops are as good as I thought they'd be! I balled the remaining cookie dough for the freezer, so I'll be enjoying some of these baked fresh on Saturday. Meanwhile, lucky Hubby!
Twelve O'Clock-ish: Made some more Black Bean Sweet Potato Soup on Saturday, added cashews again too. It's Meatless Monday, don'cha'know! Hubby's gone to town to get some plywood to cover our front entrance while he refinishes the door. (Won't that be attractive?!) Now that my belly is full, I'll be checking out some of the websites mentioned in a book I'm reading: EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think, to Create the World We Want by Frances Moore Lappé, author of Diet for a Small Planet.
One O'Clock-ish: Hubby's back with the plywood, with BIL's fishing boat in tow. His brother's hauling his pop-up camper up to The Lakes to camp with his family for a few days. After SIL and our lovely niece return home, Hubby will join BIL for a couple of days of camping and fishing. The wood on the driveway and in the trailer is fencing from my folks' place. Hubby replaced their back fence with all new; he'll clean up and salvage the usable old slats to repair the fencing on each side of their yard.
Two O'Clock-ish: Not really expecting this look to catch on! ;) Door's removed for refinishing; Hubby's taping all the little gaps now to keep any spiders and bugs OUT. This temporary fix wouldn't be much protection from people intruders, but Hubby will have our door refinished in no time.
Three O'Clock-ish: Time for my favorite bicep exercise: vigorously shaking a pan of popcorn on the cooktop!
Well, that's the roundup for October! Feel free to share a link to your "ten on ten" or to anything else that strikes your fancy!


  1. Wow, you got very nice view in front of the house :)

  2. Thanks, YLC! and you always have a very nice view on your kitchen seeing what you're cooking over there!

  3. Love the photos...will love looking at more...

    You are very busy today...I have done nothing yet other than drink coffee and read email and blogs...

    Are you rewarding your husband with cookies for working on the door?

  4. Love this ten on ten:)..will surely come back to refresh:)
    ..just get hungry because of your cinnamon rolls!!:)

  5. @Patty, there are almost always sweets around here, but Hubby needs no rewards. He's a work-aholic...I'm the lazy one!
    @JenMuna, I finally got to eat some of those cinnamon rolls on Saturday. oh, yeah!

  6. Okay, Now I am going to have to bake brownies with walnuts. Just what I need! That looks more like pressed board than plywood! I would have been shopping trash for a free door for the little while it would be needed. The thoughts of pressed board protecting me gives me the creeps. But, you have a husband, probably dogs and My hens are no good on the protection front.

  7. @Practical, you're right! Hopefully any interlopers crashing through our temporary door will wake us up in time for Hubby to get the guns and the dogs ready! ;)

  8. I only read your post today (on the Tuesday) and it's so lovely to see how you spent your day yesterday in snapshots. I'm a bit of a sticky beak, so I love seeing how other people spend their time/live their lives.
    Those Whopper Drops looks yum and (sitcky beak again), I can't wait to see how the front entrance ends up looking like.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog and I'm sure to be popping in here again real soon.

    Thanks again!!

  9. I think the new door is a great look. You should consider keeping it.
    Just kidding!!

  10. ohhh, those dang squirrels! that soup sounds a-mazing.

  11. Ah I love the way those cookies and that soup sound. I am thinking cookies and soup are on my menu for next week! Do you have one day a week where you let yourself eat whatever you want? I did that for awhile and that day was crazy you find that it works for you better that way? I could never indulge in control haha. Can't wait to see the new door.

  12. Looks like a pretty great day to me! Love that you use Monday's as your linen day...what a great way to remember!

  13. You sure made some yummy things today!

  14. Oh wow, now you have me craving chocolate cookies!! Nice ten on ten.

  15. YUM! Those cookies and the popcorn are making me hungry! Great pictures! Glad you stopped by my site the other day! I am following you now!

  16. I need to come over to your house for all the good food!! I'm making those cookies!!

  17. Great pics...they're making me hungry! ;) That sweet potato soup looks AMAZING! I simply must try your recipe!

  18. Looks like a very productive day. I love your blog description. I am trying to be more conscientious also, but it's a slow process. Old habits are hard to break.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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