Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Make over: Unwanted cereal to snack; On a roll with leftover pork

  Double click on the pic if you'd like to enlarge the recipe. Bake at 250F for 15-20 min.
Oh, yes, I did buy Cheerios in a humongous, bulk package. Oh, no, Hubby won't eat them, and now that I'm into breakfast smoothies, I won't either. Solution: make snack food of the cereal--now Hubby's eating it by the handfuls. Though better with oyster crackers, this recipe worked well with the cereal too.
Ranch Cherrios
Hey, I didn't forget Meatless Monday yesterday. I had "Big Salad" for lunch. Really need to get on the ball and come up with some impressive vegetarian entrees though, if I intend for Hubby to embrace this Meatless Monday business. His salad had turkey on it. That's my favorite commercial salad dressing, btw. If I could make a Caesar dressing homemade that tasted as good, believe me I would!
   I am completely and utterly addicted to mellowcreme pumpkins. In fact, I consider it my great fortune that the only candies I crave are seasonal: these Brach's pumpkins, Brach's Christmas peppermint nougats, and Whoppers' Robin Eggs. Best thing about lovin' seasonal candies is that I get to buy 'em half price after the holidays!  
The sweetest little helper assisted me in making lunch this morn! Boy, do I LOVE using an infant front-pack carrier...and so does Grandbaby! We vacuumed this morn and then made lunch together. No worries, baby was sleeping when it came time for the frying!
Can't believe I ever used loads of paper towels to soak up grease, when newspaper topped with ONE paper towel turns the trick. LOVE spending less money on one-time-use products like paper towels.
I am the condiment queen. My Swiss chard/pork/carrot/onion egg rolls tasted so yummy with a mixture of hoisin and sweet chili sauces. These egg rolls transformed 1 1/2 leftover pork chops into our lunch today with enough leftovers for Hubby to have some tomorrow too. We are still getting Swiss chard and peppers from the garden. Yea! Oh, yeah, I ate the egg rolls even tho' it's not cheat day. Shamey Shamey! ;)
   Any leftover makeovers goin' down at your place tonight?


  1. Oh I love those pumpkin candies, too! Gonna have to hit up the grocery store for that and some regular old candy corn!

  2. Is that the pumpkin in Autumn Mix, Brachs? Three weeks ago, I had a small, expensive bag of Brachs candy corn. I swore I would wait until after-the-day sales to buy anything else.

    Since we both love the same Easter and Halloween candy, I will have to try your Christmas favorite.

    You always make me sooooo hungry! I want that spring roll, right now, hand it over. Okay, back away from the spring roll!

  3. Even after double-clicking, I still cannot read the recipe.

  4. Hubby sucks those candy pumpkins like a vacuum cleaner! We get groceries on Tuesday--he'll have a bag downed by Thursday.
    I certainly wish I only craved seasonal candy. I like ALL candy---ALL the time!

  5. Great idea with the paper! I'm going to remember that. Now I'm hungry for eggrolls. Darn you!

  6. oops, sorry, Practical! the recipe:
    12 oz. oyster crackers
    1 pkg. Ranch salad dressing mix
    ¼ tsp. lemon pepper
    1 tsp. dried dillweed
    ¼ tsp. garlic powder
    ¾ to 1 cup canola oil
    Place on sheet pan. Bake at 350F for 15-20 min.

    BTW, today I managed to snag me FOUR 9oz bags of pumpkins at half off. We'll see how long they last me!! ;)

  7. My mom has a glass pumpkin she brings out every Halloween specifically for her mix of candy corns, peanut butter m&ms, and the Brach's pumpkins (my favorite too!) It just doesn't seem like October without them.

    I love that you're able to create so many yummy creations from your leftovers. You certainly are the condiment queen.

  8. Hmmm, I don't think I have ever seen just the pumpkins, just Brach's Autumn Mix with pumpkins, candy corn, and it seems like something else.

    Thanks for the recipe where old eyes can see them.


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