Wednesday, November 2, 2011

On My Mind: No such thing as waste!

Thanks, Deb Goes Green, for this video..."There's no such thing as waste, only stuff in the wrong place!"
Cannot tell you how VERY HAPPY it made me to find a local place, GreenWorks Recycling, that reclaims/recycles so many of the items that would otherwise make their way into a landfill: used batteries of ALL types and sizes, plus loads of electronics and appliances. They'll even shred your hard drive while you watch if you donate a CPU. GreenWorks recently took our broken dishwasher off our hands, oh, yeah!! Clearly thrilled to be a part of the process, this man was such a peach to show me all around--even called off the dogs first! *wink* (Hope you're lucky enough to find this kind of jewel in your neck of the woods.)
   Well, that's what's on my mind today. What's on yours? Hope you'll share your link here or on down-to-earth!


  1. what a great place. i wish each area had one of these places and that they were well-known and utilized! (love those 'guard' dogs!)

    :) thanks for coming by!

  2. Too bad there aren't more places like that. On my mind--banana bread? Actually, I rarely have nothing on my My cell phone carrier is trying to convince me I need a new cell phone. This is only my second one in seven years. So, I need to find a recycling place in order not to have them stacked like cordwood.

  3. Wow I wish there were more places like that around here!

  4. What a great place! We do have weekly recycling of things like paper, tins and glass.

  5. What a great place. Our county does something similar once or twice a year. They even take tires!

    And Practical Parsimony--they have a program called Cellphones for Soldiers--they take used cells and give them to servicemen and women to use to call home. You could Google for the info.

  6. The guy's a nut but I liked his video! Congrats on finding that recycling place. Before I toss all of my decluttering crap, I really do try to find homes for all the things.

  7. Practical-oops, guess not. Sorry. I always "update" my phone every 4 years, but they still work.

  8. What a great place!

    I love the idea of no such thing as waste.

    Sft x

  9. So great! Need to find a place like this near me!

  10. Just now, I finally watched the video. It's a snappy tune with a good message. Plus, it was entertaining, inspiring, funny.


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