Monday, November 7, 2011

Hubby's outdone himself lately: Triggerfish with Spicy Lemon Caper Sauce, Cajun Meatloaf, Smoked Pork Loin

Hubby cooked this Triggerfish with Spicy Lemon Caper Sauce from the first recipe that came up when he Googled "trigger fish." Luckily, he came across an excellent recipe on a blog that hasn't been updated in years...this is one of the BEST fish dishes we've EVER had!! I think Hubby's plate here also has some mackerel on it. The fish was gifted to us by a friend when who went deep sea fishing on his Florida vacation--$75 for the two hour ride out to the deep, two hours fishing, two hours back. That's the cheapest price I've ever heard of for deep sea fishing. Wonder if the oil spill is still affecting Florida tourism?
I may be the chief cook and bottle washer around here, but as I've said, Hubby can hold his own. Moreover, he is the Chief Grill Cook and Chief Fish Cook in this family, and I probably have a pound or two to show for his expertise in these areas! ;)

Back in the day when I bought and cooked as much beef as the average American, I came across Paul Pruddhome's Cajun Meatloaf recipe. We promptly fell in love with it...even me, despite my lifelong aversion to meatloaf. Since I learned of beef's high carbon footprint, the only beef I eat anymore are Hebrew National Beef Franks and the occasional burger. These days, Hubby makes Pruddhome's recipe with his ground venison and likes it just as well. (I'll have to take his word for that. I don't much like venison, so I've never tried his venison meatloaf!)
Hubby's most recent Smoked Pork Loin. I got nervous when I saw how he'd slashed this loin, thinking it would let the juices run out, but instead the slashes just let the smoke flavor in as he roasted this bad boy "low and slow" in his Big Green Egg. Smokey...Juicy...YUM!!
   I'm not crazy about the time change, but maybe I'll find more time for the computer now that it gets dark so soon. *SIGH* I miss the daylight already!! And for some freaky reason, I've awakened at 4:30 the last two mornings. UGH!! Hope you're adjusting to the time change in a more reasonable way than I have?!! 


  1. Now, I am hungry and my stomach is growling! I don't like or eat venison, either. You take excellent food pictures.

  2. Ooh, sounds yummy. My hubby is definitely the better cook between us I think.

  3. The food looks delicious! I wish I could get hubby to do some cooking sometimes. If I don't feel like it, we go OUT to eat, and sometimes I don't feel like that either.
    Whine whine whine. Really-I sound terrible today, don't I????
    Maybe I just need some Smoked Pork Loin? LOL!

  4. Sometimes I run across someone who doesn't like meatloaf but its rare unless they are vegetarian. I love meatloaf and I love venison too!

    Hubby can cook for me anytime!

  5. That all sounds so hot and so delicious!

  6. Oh, wow. Go you. For getting him. A nice dinner with wine? I can't remember the last time I got that fancy.


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